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Robert Avetisyan: Karabakh Deserves Reunion With Armenia

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  • Robert Avetisyan: Karabakh Deserves Reunion With Armenia

    19:09 19.03.2013

    Fresno Bee publishes Op/Ed from Nagorno Karabakh's Ambassador Robert

    "Feb. 20, 1988 was the day when Soviet authorities in Moscow saw the
    first real signs of what was soon to become the first truly democratic
    movement in the Soviet Empire.

    A full quarter of a century ago, the Council of People's Deputies,
    the legislative body for Nagorno Karabakh, sent a formal appeal to
    the authorities in Soviet Azerbaijan and Armenia and to Moscow as
    well, to reunite Artsakh (as Nagorno Karabakh is known in Armenian)
    with Armenia.

    In making this request, they sought to reverse the arbitrary 1921
    decision by dictator Joseph Stalin to carve Artsakh out of Armenia
    and place it under the administration of the newly created Soviet
    Azerbaijan Republic.

    The citizens of Karabakh had never accepted Stalin's actions and
    when the Soviet system began opening up in the late 1980s, under
    Gorbachev's Perestroyka and Glasnost, they moved quickly to realize
    their long-held democratic aspirations.

    When the 180,000 people of the Nagorno Karabakh Autonomous Oblast
    (or NKAO) raised their voice for freedom, the Communist leadership in
    Moscow and Baku pushed back hard, but could not suppress the legitimate
    right of the people of this land to freedom and self-determination.

    Moscow sought to ignore these democratic appeals and deployed troops
    to instill fear and crack down on Artsakh. Baku's response was even
    worse: During Feb. 26-28, 1988, hundreds of Armenians were subjected to
    torture and murdered simply for being Armenian. Organized mobs armed
    with knives and sharpened rods attacked apartments that belonged to
    Armenian families and conducted targeted atrocities with the full
    support of law-enforcement authorities in the large industrial city
    of Sumgait.

    Seeing no condemnation, Soviet Azerbaijani authorities spread their
    attacks into cities that included Azerbaijan's capital of Baku,
    Kirovabad. These attacks, too, claimed the lives of innocent people
    whose only "crime" was being Armenian.

    By end of 1991, the people of Artsakh, having endured violence and
    aggression, acted under existing laws, to declare the formation of
    the Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR). Azerbaijan's reaction was as
    predictable as it was aggressive. Emboldened by the impunity of their
    previous attacks, they launched a full-scale military attack against
    the newly-formed NKR, threatening the existence of local Armenians,
    Russians, Greeks, Azerbaijanis, Jews and others. The war lasted
    until 1994, when Azerbaijan relented and signed a cease-fire with
    Nagorno Karabakh Republic and Armenia. Over the course of this war,
    Azerbaijani attacks ruined almost the entire social and economic
    infrastructure of Artsakh, killing and maiming tens of thousands and
    causing large flows of refugees on both sides.

    Since the 1994 cease-fire, Artsakh has developed a fully-functioning
    democracy with an effective government, fledging market economy,
    vibrant civil society and capable armed forces. The process of
    democratic development is irreversible, as illustrated by the series
    of parliamentary and presidential elections that have been described
    as free and fair by international observers. Freedom House, the
    human-rights watchdog, has rated Nagorno Karabakh as a partly free
    nation, marking the country's democratic advantage over many of its
    regional neighbors, particularly totalitarian Azerbaijan.

    While there is still much to do to solve the consequences of
    Azerbaijan's devastating aggression, and despite all existing regional
    challenges, the Karabakh government is determined to strive toward a
    safer, stronger and more prosperous republic for its people. Artsakh
    is a viable state - ready and capable to assume its international
    responsibilities. The people of Artsakh deserve the same rights and
    freedoms as everyone else. The world community should welcome our new
    democracy into the family of nations by recognizing the independence
    of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic."

    From: Baghdasarian