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Cairo: Gems of Armenia: Cairo's Arax Choir commemorates Aram Khachat

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  • Cairo: Gems of Armenia: Cairo's Arax Choir commemorates Aram Khachat


    Ahram Online, Egypt
    March 20 2013

    Armenian Community's Arax Choir Arax conducted by Mihran Ghazelian
    commemorated the 110th anniversary of composer Aram Khachaturian last
    SaturdayAti Metwaly, Wednesday 20 Mar 2013

    On Saturday 16 March, the Armenian Community in Egypt gathered at
    the Nubarian Armenian School in Heliopolis to listen to the Arax
    Choir conducted by Mihran Ghazelian. The event commemorated the 110th
    anniversary of the Armenian composer Aram Khachaturian (1903-1978).

    Khachaturian lived in a time after Armenia was annexed to the
    Soviet Union in 1922, regaining its independence only in 1991 --
    longer after he dies. Khachaturian is best known for his ballets
    Spartacus (1954) and Gayane (1942). The latter features the famous
    "Sabre Dance" representing an Armenian war dance and is a frequently
    performed composition. To the Egyptian audiences, Khachaturian's name
    is usually linked to the Spartacus ballet, one of the Cairo Opera
    Ballet Company's more remarkable works.

    But Khachaturian's musical richness was not limited to the
    mentioned ballets; his many compositions, which continuously combined
    Western classical music with Armenian folklore elements, are equally
    interesting. Khachaturian's family fled Tbilsi, the capital of Georgia,
    at the time home to Armenian population. In 1934, he graduated from
    the Moscow Conservatory and started gaining considerable recognition
    and success.

    Under Stalin, Khachaturian found himself "guilty" of formalism.

    Because his music did not reflect socialist ideals, it was labelled
    by the regime as anti-people. "It all happened in the blink of an eye.

    Suddenly I was an anti-people composer," Khachaturian writes in his
    memoirs, remembering a decree issued by the Central Committee of the
    Communist Party of the Soviet Unionin 1948, condemning him alongside
    Prokofiev and Shostakovich. The composers were asked to apologise
    and returned to the state's favour a few years later.

    "I was told I was estranged from my Armenian roots and I had become
    cosmopolitan. They sent me to Armenia as punishment. It became my
    salvation. I was in a land I had always cherished, a land that had
    nourished my music again and again." Throughout his life, Khachaturian
    was taking music from the Armenian people, and then giving it back
    to them. "My father was a peasant, an illiterate man who would turn
    himself into a master book binder, rising above his humble beginnings.

    Now his perseverance would be my inspiration. My mother gave me my
    love of music. Throughout my return to Armenia I heard her voice
    singing her folk songs, the lullabies; the songs passed down to
    her from her own parents and her voice echoing inside my head was a
    constant comfort to me."

    Khachaturian composed hundreds of works for orchestra: symphonies
    and works for small formations; ballet, concertos for violin, solo
    piano works, film scores as well as music for children.

    The concert by the Arax Choir included a few of the original choral
    works by Khachaturian based on folkloric songs, while other songs
    were based on by Khachaturian's music, with lyrics written by Mihran
    Ghazelian, the choir's conductor and artistic director. The evening
    also included short dance numbers to Khachaturian's music and a
    documentary film about the composer. Though attended mostly by
    Armenian-Egyptians, this event, like all other concerts organised
    by the Armenian community, was open to the public. It is evident
    that the community cherishes its culture by taking meticulous care
    with all the artistic and logistic sides of the event. This includes
    providing rich programme notes, printed -- alas -- in Armenian only.

    Operating under the Armenian Prelacy of Cairo, the Arax Choir goes
    back to the 1990s. However, back then, the choir had a different name,
    Zavartnots, and was conducted by David Zalyan, who was succeeded
    by conductor Hrant Aghajanian, a music and arts teacher, one of
    the important mediators of Armenian culture in Egypt. Finally, in
    2003, Mihran Ghazelian became the choir's conductor and artistic
    director, changing its name to Arax. Under Ghazelian's management,
    Arax expanded to include over 30 amateur singers, including four
    voices, men and women.

    The first performance of the choir under the name of Arax was on the
    occasion of the 1700th anniversary of foundation of the Mother See
    of Holy Etchmiadzin (in 303 AD), the oldest church built by a state
    in the world and the spiritual headquarters of the Armenian Apostolic
    Church. Since becoming Arax, the choir has given a number of concerts
    in Cairo and Alexandria. In 2009, its performance at the Bibliotheca
    Alexandrina was received with acclaim. On several occasions, the
    choir took part in the Egyptian Churches religious songs festival
    organised by the Coptic Church.

    Last summer, for the first time, Arax travelled abroad to participate
    in the choral works festival organised in Yerevan, Armenia. Arax also
    takes active part in the Armenian community's commemoration events,
    such as the Armenian Genocide in April each year, the anniversary
    of creation of the Armenian alphabet, along with commemorations of
    important national battles and victories. The choir also performs on
    the anniversaries of renowned Armenian composers, among many other
    historically and culturally important dates. In total, over the past
    decade, Arax gave 35 music performances.

    Born in Beirut, Lebanon, a graduate of the Komitas State Conservatory
    of Yerevan, Mihran Ghazelian has much experience of working with
    choirs in Egypt and Armenia, as well as internationally. In the early
    2000s, he conducted the Sourp Sarkis Mother Church choir in Tehran,
    Iran. In Egypt, Ghazelian is not just responsible for Arax. He is
    also the choir master of the Nerses Shnorhali choir attached to the St.

    Gregory the Illuminator Church, the Dziadzan choir of the AGBU and
    the Dzaghgasdan children's choir of Housaper Cultural Organisation.

    Ghazelian edited a large number of Armenian songs arranged by Daniel
    Yerazhisht, as well as selection of hymns and songs and of St.

    Vartan. The hymns and songs were published by the Mother See of the
    Holy Etchmiadzin.

    The Arax performance took place under the auspices of Bishop Ashod
    Mnatsaganian, primate of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Egypt.

    Though amateurs, the singers handled many musically demanding
    compositions with notable ability. One only wished for a larger
    number of men in the choir, to balance the female voices dominating
    most of the songs. A few soloists are worth mentioning. Among
    them mezzo-soprano Kohar Ghazelian, who took on her shoulders a
    particularly challenging Ode to Joy, a composition which not only
    showcased the professionalism of the singer but also, through long
    piano solo passages, highlighted the skills of Haig Avakian on piano.

    Equally interesting and well performed was the solo by baritone Ara
    Keuhnelian: the Fishermen's Song from 1935 movie Pepo, directed by Hamo
    Beknazarian. With Khachaturian's music, Pepo was the first Armenian
    sound movie. Interesting dance inserts included short traditional
    Armenian dances, among them dances from Khachaturian's ballet Gayane.

    With Haig Avakian on piano and Rupen Terzibashian on dhol (a
    double-headed drum, known in Armenian folk culture as nagara),
    the evening covered various aspects of Armenian culture, expressed
    through the music of Khachaturian. Such events testify to the Egyptian
    Armenians' strong cultural awareness and perseverance to keep their
    cultural riches and carry them from generation to generation.

    According to estimates, today the Armenian minority in Egypt does not
    exceed 6,000 people living in Cairo and Alexandria. Most of them have
    Egyptian nationality yet not all of them have Armenian nationality.

    Nevertheless they are characterised by strong unity and a cherishing
    of Armenian tradition, culture and language, something that was
    particularly obvious in an event by Arax Choir.

    The past decades were marked by many prominent figures from the
    Armenian community in Egypt. Nubar Pasha (1825-1899), the son of an
    Armenian merchant, was an Egyptian politician and the first Prime
    Minister of Egypt. A particularly strong impact by the Armenian
    community was in the arts scene. Georges Kazazian is a well-known
    composer and oud player; Anna Boghiguian is a painter living between
    Cairo, India and Europe; Chant Avedissian exhibits his work around
    the world, along with other famous painters such as Ashod Zorian and
    Yertvart Yaghjian. Alexander Saroukhan (1898 - 1977) was one of the
    most renowned cartoonists and caricaturists in the Arab World; Anoushka
    is a singer and actress. Musicians Hagop Sandaldijian, (1931-1990)
    and Garbis Aprikian are also well known, but Nelly (Artin Kalfaya)
    is one among many star actresses and singers who also include Mimi
    Gamal and Lebleba.

    From: Baghdasarian