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ENP Country Progress Report 2012 - Armenia

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  • ENP Country Progress Report 2012 - Armenia

    11:31, March 21, 2013

    The European Commission and the High Representative of the Union for
    Foreign Affairs and Security Policy published on 20 March 2013 the
    annual "neighbourhood package", consisting of a joint communication
    ("Towards a Stronger Partnership") making an assessment of the ENP
    implementation in 2012, a report on the "Partnership for Democracy and
    Shared prosperity" with Southern Mediterranean, an Eastern Partnership
    progress report, 12 country reports (on developments in 2012 and with
    a set of recommendations for the future), including one on Armenia,
    and a statistical annex.

    There was intensified EU-Armenia political dialogue in 2012.

    Significant progress was registered in negotiations of an EU-Armenia
    Association Agreement, including a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade
    Area. Armenia continued to implement sound macro-economic policies
    and structural reforms. It further progressed also towards meeting
    the objectives of the Action Plan in the area of poverty reduction
    and social cohesion. While 2012 Parliamentary election and February
    2013 Presidential election was generally transparent and there
    was a serious effort to address issues related to human rights and
    fundamental freedoms, further work needs to be done, especially in
    the implementation and enforcement of legislation.

    Armenia addressed some of the key recommendations contained in the
    last year's ENP progress report. It prepared a roadmap to improve
    the electoral process, adopted a National Human Rights Strategy and
    took some measures to fight corruption, to reform the judiciary and
    public administration, and to advance sectoral reforms and regulatory
    approximation to the EU acquis. Progress is needed also on other
    key recommendations. On the basis of this year's report and with a
    view to sustained implementation of the ENP Action Plan in 2013,[1]
    Armenia is invited to:

    Further address the shortcomings identified by the OSCE/ODIHR
    concerning the May 2012 parliamentary elections and February 2013
    presidential elections, by implementing all OSCE/ODIHR recommendations,
    including changes to the legislative framework after the presidential

    Fully investigate the deaths that occurred during clashes following the
    March 2008 presidential elections and the allegations of ill-treatment
    in police custody and violation of due process.

    Step up efforts with Azerbaijan to reach agreement on the Madrid
    Principles, in accordance with the commitments made by the Presidents
    of Armenia and Azerbaijan within the Minsk Group.

    Ensure unimpeded access to representatives of the EU to Nagorno
    Karabakh and surrounding regions in support of conflict transformation
    activities in full complementarity with the Minsk Group activities.

    Promote an environment conducive to progress in conflict settlement,
    encourage and support related peace-building activities.

    Ensure implementation of the National Human Rights Strategy, formulate,
    adopt and implement the related Action Plan.

    Adopt amendments to the legislation on broadcasting in compliance
    with the recommendations of the OSCE and the Council of Europe,
    and ensure pluralism in the broadcasting media.

    Finalize the draft law on Conscience and Religious Freedoms, in
    line with international standards, as well as the legislation on
    alternative civilian service, in conformity with Venice Commission
    and OSCE recommendations.

    Adopt comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation, including further
    steps leading to the harmonization of legislation with the EU acquis
    in the areas of gender equality and non-discrimination.

    Intensify the prevention of and the fight against corruption, including
    implementation of laws adopted in 2012 and reinforcement of capacities,
    independence and transparency of the State Commission on the Ethics
    of High-Ranking Officials.

    Strengthen the implementation of governance reforms, including measures
    to reform the law enforcement and judicial sectors (especially to
    increase public trust in and the independence of the judiciary, improve
    the training of judges and review the code of criminal procedure).

    Continue the reform of public administration, in particular through
    strengthening merit-based career and pay paths in the civil service,
    strengthening institutional capacity of local governments and
    continuing with reform of the public finance management sphere.

    Continue to advance sectoral reforms and regulatory approximation
    to the EU acquis in trade and trade-related areas, in parallel to
    the ongoing negotiations on a DCFTA, in particular in the areas of
    Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, Technical Barriers to Trade,
    Intellectual Property Rights and Customs.

    Enhance efforts to provide for a competitive economic environment,
    including through improvements in contract enforcement, ease of paying
    taxes and trading across borders.

    Work towards the earliest possible closure of the Medzamor nuclear
    power plant and adopt a detailed decommissioning plan for this plant,
    taking into account the result of the 2012 stress tests report.

    Reforms initiated, carried out successfully, or delayed during
    2012 in the different areas of cooperation between the EU and
    Armenia are described in the annual country report. Some of the
    issues reported deserve special attention. The Armenian authorities
    delivered relatively transparent parliamentary elections in May
    2012 and presidential elections in February 2013. Freedoms of
    assembly, expression, and assembly were generally respected but media
    independence remained insufficient. There was limited action against
    high-level corruption. The current framework of cooperation between
    government and civil society remains insufficient.

    Negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaijan to resolve the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict regrettably slowed down in 2012. Three
    negotiation rounds on a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area
    (DCFTA) were concluded. The Visa Facilitation Agreement was signed
    in December. Armenia adopted a decree that lifts the visa obligation
    for EU Citizens as of January 2013. An increasing number of Armenian
    students and researchers benefited from different European programmes
    in the education area.

    EU-Armenia - BACKGROUND


    The European Neighbourhood Policy governs the relations between the
    EU and Armenia. Since 2009 the EU implements the Eastern Partnership,
    the Eastern dimension of the ENP framework, aiming at substantially
    upgrading engagement with the six Eastern neighbours via:

    a Bilateral track, whose objectives include the establishing of
    Association Agreements with Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Areas,
    once conditions have been met, as well as progress on visa and mobility
    issues, and a Multilateral track (i.e. intergovernmental platforms
    and Flagship Initiatives).

    This approach allows for gradual political association and deeper
    economic integration.


    1999: Entry into force of the EU-Armenia Partnership and Cooperation

    2006: Approval of the EU-Armenia Action Plan.

    2009: EU Advisory Group to Armenia (financed by the EU) started its
    activities with the aim of supporting the Armenian authorities in
    the implementation of the key areas of the ENP Action Plan

    2009: Neighbourhood Investment Facility committed EUR 14.6 million in
    grants and technical assistance for two projects in the transport
    sector. Armenia is also eligible for three regional projects,
    committing EUR 24 million in the energy and financial sectors

    2007-2010: The ENPI[2] envelope for Armenia stands at EUR 98.4 million

    2010: Launch of the Association Agreement negotiations with the EU

    2011-2013: The new National Indicative Programme (NIP) 2011-13 for
    Armenia was adopted in March 2010 and has a budget of EUR 157.3
    million. The programme is geared towards supporting the achievement
    of key policy objectives as outlined in the EU-Armenia Action Plan
    and pursues three priorities: (1) democratic structures and good
    governance, (2) trade and investment; regulatory alignment and reform,
    and (3) socio-economic reform and sustainable development.

    2011: Establishment of the EU-Armenia Mobility Partnership.

    2011: Armenia became observer of the Energy Community.

    2012: Launch of negotiations on a Deep and Comprehensive Trade Area

    2012: The EU and Armenia signed the Protocol to the Partnership and
    Cooperation Agreement on the general principles for the participation
    of Armenia in EU programmes.

    2012: The EU and Armenia signed the Visa Facilitation Agreement.

    More info at:

    [1] The Action Plan should be replaced by the Association Agenda in
    the course of 2013.

    [2] the European Neighbourhood Partnership Instrument
