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Dual Power: Semi-Step or Status Quo

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  • Dual Power: Semi-Step or Status Quo

    Dual Power: Semi-Step or Status Quo

    Aghassi Matevosyan
    15:00 23/03/2013
    Story from News:

    Ideas on dual power can be based on two main concepts.

    First, dual power is a temporary, transitional, shadow activity aimed
    at redistributing gradually the available public resources and levers
    and handing them over to systems that are elected and trusted by

    Second, dual power is the clear division of the available public
    resources and levers between two policies, it is a lasting, agreed
    state which rules out shadow and the physical split of the civil
    society. Lasting competitiveness and establishment of an alert climate
    can help optimize the solution of public problems and finally lead to
    the discovery of the right option of governance.

    Which option will be established well in the consciousness of the
    civil society and government? One of them will be brought into being
    definitely. Later we will prove it. In addition, assumptions that the
    idea of dual power is not acceptable to the government are mistaken.
    As far as we have observed, both the civil society and the government
    are equally inert to this idea. And both have different reasons for

    The main reason for the civil society is the wish of quick and
    immediate change of government expressing the will of people and
    eliminating the crisis of the state. The reason for the government's
    inertness is the fear of losing the right to handle resources that
    belong to people though they will never admit to it, and as a formal
    reason they will point to their duty of defending constitutional

    We will come back to the content of these two concepts of dual power.
    For the time being, let's dwell on an important circumstance of the
    post-electoral relation between Raffi Hovannisian and Serzh Sargsyan.

    In their face-to-face meeting, as well as further monologues none of
    them voiced proposals on the idea of dual power. Serzh Sargsyan
    outlined something (he mentioned constitutional reforms and/or victory
    in the local election in Yerevan). These sketches, however, were
    rightly refused by Raffi Hovannisian, we think at an emotional, not
    conscious level. Rightly, because these sketch-proposals were made by
    Serzh Sargsyan not in the context of the idea of dual power but in the
    context of deceiving the civil society again. Of course, the
    government manipulates Raffi Hovannisian's refusal and will continue
    to manipulate it for a long time but as the consciousness of the civil
    society is growing, these manipulations will be reduced to a paragraph
    in monitoring reports of international organizations and a pill to
    tranquilize the clan.

    Raffi Hovannisian stated that he personally will not run in the local
    election, explaining that this is not the mission he has committed to
    people. So, he again took the right step at the emotional level? Why
    do we think it was at the emotional level?

    Logically, if a person refuses proposals on wrong steps but does not
    propose other steps, he or she loses confidence but not as fast as if
    he had accepted proposals on wrong steps. This downfall slows down his
    determined position on hunger strike. Hence, there is a number
    (conventionally) expressing the confidence of the civil society and
    there are forces that increase or decrease this number. The most
    independent force is time. It never increases the number. The number
    is boosted by conscious (intellectual) actions.

    There is no need to think that Raffi Hovannisian does not know about
    this rule. However, as long as these actions and steps are at the
    emotional level, one supposes that the negative effect of time caused
    by delay of conscious steps must be made up for by unexpected
    conscious actions.

    The idea of dual power has not been understood by the civil society
    and the government. It is inevitable though. The phrases `coalition'
    and `opposition' are already history. They will be replaced by dual
    power. It is not a problem that the government does not understand it
    yet. The phrase `opposition' also used to be something alien. The
    problem is to resolve rapidly and correctly the issue of
    self-consciousness of the idea of dual power for both the civil
    society and the government and take one of the abovementioned concepts
    as a platform.

    It is worthwhile to mention that a number of destructive forces
    representing both the government and the civil society will actively
    resist understanding of this idea. Those will be reactionary forces
    that cling to their personal interests and unable to foresee their
