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Azerbaijan Treads A Cautious Diplomatic Path

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  • Azerbaijan Treads A Cautious Diplomatic Path


    Business New Europe
    March 22 2013

    Andrew MacDowall in Baku
    March 22, 2013

    Azerbaijan is in a situation that Poles can sympathise with - wedged
    between two powerful and occasionally belligerent neighbours, both
    of which have occupied and ruled it in the past. But while it has
    in common with Poland a difficult relationship with Russia, on its
    other flank lies not liberal democratic Germany, but theocratic and
    difficult Iran.

    Azerbaijan's foreign policy, therefore, seeks to maintain cordial
    relations with both Moscow and Teheran, while resisting the powerful
    duo's attempts to exert a baleful influence within its borders. The
    third big power on the doorstep is Turkey, with which there are close
    linguistic and cultural ties.

    Azerbaijan, a country of just 9m people, is in the fortunate position
    of having abundant hydrocarbon resources that make it important beyond
    its immediate region; growing energy ties with Europe should boost
    its external security, while allowing it quietly to build economic
    and diplomatic influence in emerging markets.

    But ask Azerbaijani officials what their single biggest foreign
    policy priority is, and many will say something else: the issue of
    Nagorno-Karabakh, a mountainous region internationally recognised as
    part of Azerbaijan but occupied by Armenia. The two countries fought
    a war over Nagorno-Karabakh between 1988 and 1993 as the Soviet Union
    crumbled, and since then this has remained one of the world's most
    intractable frozen conflicts: frozen, that is, apart from sporadic
    but all-too-frequent fatal cross-border shootings.

    The region was majority-Armenian before the war and today, following
    ethnic cleansing and flight, even more so. Even so Baku insists on
    it being restored to Azerbaijani rule, in line with Soviet-era borders.

    Elnur Soltanov, assistant professor at the new Azerbaijan Diplomatic
    Academy, which has close links to the government, tells bne that
    while Azerbaijan seeks "the end of the military occupation," Baku is
    willing to offer "the highest possible autonomy within Azerbaijan... to
    reconcile territorial integrity and self-determination" and that its
    position is still open to negotiation.

    Currently, he says, the suspicion is that Armenia is using the sporadic
    peace talks as an excuse to maintain the status quo rather than to
    make concrete progress towards a solution.

    Internationally, few believe there is much hope of a breakthrough
    anytime soon. "Negotiations will continue and will be promising from
    time to time, but barren of results," says Charles Fairbanks, an
    American academic and Caucasus expert currently based in Tbilisi. "The
    side which won is understandably very reluctant to give up its gains,
    even if it winds up being isolated; I'd bet very heavily against
    any resolution."

    Michael Taylor, senior Eastern Europe analyst at Oxford Analytica,
    an analysis and advisory firm, points out that the Armenian military
    has the advantage of being literally dug in in the forested mountains
    of Nagorno-Karabakh, but argues that economics and demographics could
    play to Azerbaijan's advantage in the long term.

    Baku has not ruled out a military assault to retake its territory. But
    while, according to Azerbaijani government sources, Azerbaijan's
    annual military spending exceeds Armenia's whole budget, Taylor says
    that the army's effectiveness is questionable. "War could break
    out by mistake," he tells bne. "But the international community,
    and particularly Russia, will do everything they can to prevent it."

    Balancing act

    Baku's uneasy relationship with both Moscow and Teheran is not
    unconnected to their support for Armenia. While the close relationship
    between Russia and Armenia is well known, Iran's influence is
    significant but often overlooked.

    Azerbaijani officials are fairly straightforward about their desire to
    maintain independence from Russia, and about their suspicions that the
    Kremlin resents this; some claim that it backs opposition movements.

    Similar fears are expressed about Iran's support of militant groups.

    Iran's religiosity and unpredictability unnerves Azerbaijan, a
    secular country that seeks security above all. The substantial Azeri
    population in Iran (estimates vary between 12m and 30m, the latter
    probably including other Turkic groups) is seen as providing a degree
    of insurance against Iranian aggression.

    Soltanov says that "two out of three" of Azerbaijan's big neighbours
    (the other being Turkey) "have not scored well" on respecting its
    sovereignty and territorial integrity. But as both Fairbanks and
    Taylor note, Russia's power and importance in the Caucasus and
    beyond is a reality. Azerbaijan cannot entirely detach itself from
    its former ruler and instead seeks cordial relations, while seeking
    allies elsewhere to balance against Moscow's influence.

    Turkey has historically been a rival to Russia and Iran in the
    Southern Caucasus, and is a natural ally for Azerbaijan, a secular
    Muslim country with a mutually intelligible Turkic language.

    Azerbaijan has benefitted from Turkey's economic and diplomatic Drang
    nach Osten (German for "yearning for the East") since the collapse
    of the Soviet Union, and particularly in recent years as Central
    Asia's energy wealth and strategic importance have risen. The
    Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan BTC) oil pipeline in particular has proved
    beneficial to both countries and their trading partners.

    But both countries realize that the Baku-Ankara link cannot be so close
    as to crowd out other relationships. "Turkey continues to be very
    important for Azerbaijan," says Fairbanks. "But it no longer plays
    the role of dominant patron. Turkey's reconciliation with Armenia
    was ruined in the end, but that fact hat it was even contemplated
    shows how independent of Azerbaijani interests the [current Turkish]
    AKP government is. Azerbaijan may need Turkey more than Turkey seems
    to want Azerbaijan."

    Well oiled

    The key to Azerbaijan's security and independence arguably lies in
    its hydrocarbon resources - and not (just) because they can buy quite
    a lot of weaponry.

    The country's oil and gas helps secure powerful friends beyond
    the Black Sea/Caspian region: the EU and US are well aware of the
    country's potential as an alternative source of energy to diversify
    Europe's supply and reduce its dependence on Russia. Azerbaijan's state
    energy firm Socar is gearing up to supply the EU's planned Southern
    Gas Corridor, which would take Azeri gas into the heart of Europe via
    the Balkans. If executed, it would provide an alternative to, or at
    least supplement, Gazprom's planned huge South Stream pipeline that
    will deliver Russian gas to the same markets. The scale of European,
    and particularly British, investment interests in Azerbaijan - BP is
    the single biggest source of foreign investment - also contributes
    to Western support for the country's independence and sovereignty, if
    not for massive efforts to resolve Nagorno-Karabakh in Baku's favour.

    But it's not only Europe that Azerbaijan can sell energy to. Quietly,
    the country has established a remarkably close relationship with
    Israel, which sourced 40% of its oil from the Caucasus country via
    the BTC pipeline last year. In return, Israel sells arms that some
    Western countries are too squeamish to export.

    Finally, hydrocarbon cash is helping fund both overseas investments and
    "soft power" initiatives. The State Oil Fund of Azerbaijan (Sofaz), a
    sovereign wealth fund, has a diversified portfolio worldwide, including
    a £180m office block in Mayfair, London, and other government-linked
    firms are scoping out opportunities in sectors including tourism.

    As for soft power, oil money is helping turn central Baku into
    something of a set-piece capital of the Caspian and South Caucasus.

    And subtly, or otherwise, Azerbaijan is raising its profile through
    charitable projects. In Belgrade, for example, not only has the
    city's only remaining Ottoman mosque been restored with Azerbaijani
    money, but much to many locals' bemusement a chunky statue of the
    late Heydar Aliyev (father of the current president) stands in the
    historic Tasmajdan Park, which was renovated thanks to Baku's largesse.

    From: A. Papazian