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ENP Country Progress Report 2012 - Azerbaijan

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  • ENP Country Progress Report 2012 - Azerbaijan


    Premium Official News
    March 20, 2013 Wednesday

    The Humane Society of the United States has issued the following
    news release:

    The European Commission and the High Representative of the Union for
    Foreign Affairs and Security Policy published on 20 March 2013 the
    annual "neighbourhood package", consisting of a joint communication
    ("Towards a Stronger Partnership") making an assessment of the ENP
    implementation in 2012, a report on the "Partnership for Democracy and
    Shared prosperity" with Southern Mediterranean, an Eastern Partnership
    progress report, 12 country reports (on developments in 2012 and with
    a set of recommendations for the future), including one on Azerbaijan,
    and a statistical annex.

    Overall, despite progress compared to the past, Azerbaijan needs to
    continue its efforts in order to meet its commitments on democracy,
    including electoral processes, the protection of human rights and
    fundamental freedoms, and the independence of the judicial system.

    Negotiations on an Association Agreement gained momentum in September,
    following several months of little progress. The macro-economic
    fundamentals of the Azerbaijani economy remained largely positive
    but corruption continued to be an obstacle to economic diversification.

    Azerbaijan addressed only a few of the key recommendations contained
    in the last year's ENP progress report. It started implementing the
    Human Rights Action Plan, continued judicial reform and took some
    steps to address the problem of demolitions and forced evictions. It
    did not cooperate with rapporteur of the Parliamentary Assembly of
    the Council of Europe on political prisoners. Progress is needed also
    on the other key recommendations. On the basis of this year's report
    and with a view to the sustained implementation of the ENP Action
    Plan in 2013, Azerbaijan is invited to:

    Ensure implementation of the January 2013 resolution of the
    Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on the honouring of
    obligations and commitments by Azerbaijan.

    Continue implementation of the Human Rights Action Plan adopted in
    December 2011.

    Step up efforts with Armenia to reach agreement on the Madrid
    Principles, in accordance with the commitments made by the Presidents
    of Armenia and Azerbaijan within the Minsk Group.

    Ensure unimpeded access to representatives of the EU to Nagorno
    Karabakh and surrounding regions in support of conflict transformation
    activities in full complementarity with the Minsk Group activities.

    Promote an environment conducive to progress in the conflict
    settlement, encourage and support related peace-building activities.

    Adopt the Law on Defamation which provides for the abolition of
    criminal liability for defamation and insult.

    Bring electoral legislation into line with the OSCE/ODIHR
    recommendations and ensure effective implementation.

    Continue to bring legislation on freedom of assembly, freedom of
    association and freedom of the media into line with international
    standards, and ensure its implementation.

    Step up efforts to investigate cases of harassment against journalists
    and activists.

    Step up efforts to make the judiciary independent.

    Address outstanding issues in public financial management, notably
    on transparency and accountability in relation to the budget cycle.

    Reforms initiated, carried out successfully, or delayed during
    2012 in the different areas of cooperation between the EU and
    Azerbaijan are described in the annual country report. Some of the
    issues reported deserve special attention. Azerbaijan needs to make
    significant further efforts to meet its commitments in building
    deep and sustainable democracy, including electoral processes,
    the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms and the
    independence of the judicial system. Azerbaijan finalised its
    second anti-corruption strategy. Citizens are asked to inform
    the authorities about corruption, notably via hotlines. Corruption
    continues to be the main obstacle to development of entrepreneurship
    and economic diversification in Azerbaijan. Progress was noticed in
    fighting against money laundering and trafficking of human beings. An
    increasing number of Azerbaijani students and researchers benefited
    from different European programmes in the education area. Negotiations
    between Armenia and Azerbaijan to resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
    regrettably slowed down in 2012.

    EU-Azerbaijan - BACKGROUND


    The European Neighbourhood Policy governs the relations between the EU
    and Azerbaijan. Since 2009 the EU implements the Eastern Partnership,
    the Eastern dimension of the ENP framework, aiming at substantially
    upgrading engagement with the six Eastern neighbours via:

    a Bilateral track, whose objectives include the establishing of
    Association Agreements with Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Areas,
    once conditions have been met, as well as progress on visa and mobility
    issues, and

    a Multilateral track (i.e. intergovernmental platforms and Flagship

    This approach allows for gradual political association and deeper
    economic integration.


    1999: Entry into force of the EU-Azerbaijan Partnership and Cooperation

    2006: Approval of the EU-Azerbaijan Action Plan.

    2006: EU-Azerbaijan Memorandum of Understanding on a strategic
    partnership in the field of energy.

    2009: Azerbaijan ratified the 2005 UNESCO Convention on the Protection
    and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions

    2009: Neighbourhood Investment Facility - Azerbaijan is eligible
    for three regional projects for a total value of EUR 24 million in
    support of the energy and the private sectors

    2007-2010: The ENPI1 envelope for Azerbaijan stands at EUR 88 million

    1010: Launch of the Association Agreement negotiations with the EU.

    2011-13: The new National Indicative Programme (NIP) 2011-13 for
    Azerbaijan was adopted in May 2010 and has a budget of EUR 122.5
    million. The programme is geared towards supporting the achievement
    of key policy objectives as outlined in the EU-Azerbaijan Action Plan
    and pursues three priorities: (1) democratic structures and good
    governance, (2) socio-economic reform and sustainable development,
    trade and investment, regulatory approximation and reform and
    (3) Partnership and Co-operation agreement and ENP Action Plan
    implementation, including in the in the areas of energy security,
    mobility and security.

    2011: Joint EU - Azerbaijan Declaration on the Southern Gas Corridor.

    For more information please visit:

    From: Baghdasarian