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Armenian Medical World Congress Welcomes Prominent Infectious Diseas

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  • Armenian Medical World Congress Welcomes Prominent Infectious Diseas

    Monday, March 25th, 2013

    Daniel Stamboulian and Claire Panosian Dunavan

    LOS ANGELES-Infectious diseases remain the leading cause of death in
    developing countries, killing one in three people worldwide.

    Prevention and treatment can vary from simple, cost-effective measures
    like an insecticide-treated bednet or a vaccine to life-long anti-viral
    treatment for HIV/AIDS.

    In the case of HIV/AIDS, the African continent has the highest disease
    burden since Africa currently has two-thirds of all people living
    with HIV worldwide.

    Malaria, an age-old mosquito-borne scourge, kills approximately
    660,000 people each year, primarily children under the age of five.

    About 90 percent of malaria deaths occur in Africa, followed by South
    East Asia and the Eastern Mediterranean. Despite recent strides in
    malaria prevention and treatment, anti-malarial drug resistance is
    a growing problem.

    Other global threats to child survival include upper respiratory
    infection and diarrhea as well as dengue fever, a mosquito-borne virus.

    At the other end of the spectrum, adult deaths due to respiratory
    infections can be mitigated by new and improved vaccines as well as
    diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis, but the rising global tide
    of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is creating new challenges.

    "With the globalization of economies and the escalation of commercial
    travel, the interaction among people of different origins has
    increased, and with that the potential for the transmission of old
    and new infectious diseases," says Alex Jawharjian, PharmD, MPH,
    Scientific Committee member and co-chair of the Pharmacy Programs at
    the 11th Armenian Medical World Congress.

    Daniel Stamboulian, MD, Professor Emeritus of Infectious Diseases at
    Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales (UCES, University
    of Social and Entrepreneurial Sciences); Voluntary Professor of
    Medicine at the University of Miami; and Honorary Professor at
    Instituto Universitario CEMIC, will be presenting on "New Facts
    in the Prevention and Treatment of Adulthood Infectious Diseases,"
    at the 11th Armenian Medical World Congress in Los Angeles on July 4.

    "Adulthood vaccinations, especially against influenza and pneumococcal
    infections, are extremely important and effective in preventing
    infectious diseases," says Dr. Stamboulian.

    Dr. Stamboulian received his medical degree and his specialty degree
    in Pediatrics from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. After
    completing a postdoctoral training in infectious diseases at USC,
    he returned to Buenos Aires to begin his practice in the field of
    infectious diseases and played a leading role in research and teaching
    activities at different hospitals and institutions there.

    Dr. Stamboulian is the founder of the Pan-American Association of
    Infectious Diseases (API) and co-founder of the Argentine Society
    of Infectious Diseases (SADI). In addition, Dr. Stamboulian is
    the founder and Chairman of the non-profit research and education
    organization FUNCEI (Fundacion Centro de Estudios Infectologicos) in
    Buenos Aires. Within FUNCEI, he has led numerous academic, research
    and teaching programs, including the Post-Residency Fellowship Program
    in Infectious Diseases. In 2001, he founded FIDEC (Fighting Infectious
    Diseases in Emerging Countries), a non-profit organization based in the
    United States, that aims at promoting a regional and multidisciplinary
    approach for the prevention and management of infectious diseases.

    Throughout his career, Dr. Stamboulian has received numerous awards.

    He was twice awarded the "Bicentennial Medal," both as a prominent
    member of the Armenian Community in Argentina and in recognition of
    his work as a medical consultant for the Ministry of Health of the
    City of Buenos Aires. In 2011, he was pronounced "Prominent Figure
    of Science" by the Legislature of the City of Buenos Aires.

    Claire Panosian Dunavan, MD, FIDSA, DTM&H (London), Past-President of
    the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene is Professor
    of Medicine and Infectious Diseases at the David Geffen School of
    Medicine at UCLA. She will be discussing the "Global Health Equity in
    Infectious Diseases: the Case of Malaria," at the July 4th symposium.

    "Malaria not only kills, it holds back human and economic development,"
    states Dr. Panosian Dunavan. "Tackling this disease is now an
    international imperative."

    Dr. Panosian Dunavan received her education at Stanford University,
    Northwestern University School of Medicine, Tufts-New England Medical
    Center, and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. In the
    1980s, she became Chief of Infectious Diseases at LA County-Olive View
    Medical Center and later moved to UCLA's main medical campus, founding
    UCLA's Travel and Tropical Medicine Program and later co-founding
    UCLA's Program in Global Health. Throughout her career, she has been a
    clinician, a global health policy consultant, and a popular professor
    on the main UCLA campus. In addition, she has frequently worked in
    developing countries as a consultant or visiting faculty member.

    Panosian Dunavan's second career as a print and broadcast journalist
    includes six years as a national editor, reporter, and co-anchor for
    Lifetime Television. In 1997, her interview with a dying physician won
    an international "Freddie" Award. In 2000, with her husband Patrick
    Dunavan - an 8-time Emmy Award-winning documentary filmmaker - she
    produced a television program on hepatitis B which has reached 300
    million international viewers. In recent years, she has written
    regularly for the Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Washington
    Post, Baltimore Sun, Discover magazine, and Scientific American among
    other popular publications. Since 2009, she has also written a weekly
    syndicated column called "The Infection Files" which currently runs
    in print and online in multiple southern California newspapers,
    reaching an estimated audience of 1.5 million.

    For more information or to register for the 11th Armenian Medical
    World Congress, visit our website at
