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Armenia Urged To Implement Upr Commitments & Recommendations

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  • Armenia Urged To Implement Upr Commitments & Recommendations


    States News Service
    March 25, 2013 Monday

    The following information was released by International Federation for
    Human Rights (FIDH):

    Civil Society Institute (CSI), the Norwegian Helsinki Committee
    (NHC) and FIDH (International Federation for Human Rights) released
    a mid-term assessment (May 2010 - December 2012) following the
    recommendations by the United Nations member states in the framework
    of Armenia's Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in May 2010.

    The report provides information on Armenia's legal system and state
    practice, as discerned through recent monitoring activities undertaken
    by CSI and FIDH in cooperation with NHC on issues such as the right to
    an effective remedy, judicial independence, the right to a fair trial,
    the prohibition of torture and ill-treatment, the penitentiary system
    and juvenile justice.

    The Armenian authorities have taken some steps to amend national
    legislation, such as drafting a new Criminal Procedure Code,
    introducing some amendments to the Criminal Code, and developing
    programmes and policies for judicial reform; however in practice,
    Armenia has not made real progress in fulfilling its human rights

    The routine use of torture and ill-treatment, especially in police
    custody, continues unabated. Victims of torture do not file official
    complaints fearing retaliation, and perpetrators are not held
    accountable for such acts. The definition of torture in the Criminal
    Code falls short of the requirements of the United Nations Convention
    against Torture (UN CAT). On the rare occasion that cases have been
    reported, no thorough, independent or effective investigations have
    been conducted. The courts continue to accept evidence allegedly
    obtained using torture and ill-treatment. Victims of torture and
    other human rights violations lack access to effective remedies.

    Lack of judicial independence remains one of the most serious concerns
    in Armenia. In many cases, the judiciary fails to comply with the
    guarantees of fair trial standards, envisaged both in international
    and national legislation. Courts continue to show prosecutorial bias,
    violating the principles of presumption of innocence, equality of
    arms and the adversarial nature of proceedings.

    To date, neither a system of juvenile justice nor appropriate
    specialization among prosecutors, lawyers and investigators working
    with juveniles have been introduced in Armenia. Custodial measures
    are widely applied to juveniles.

    No progress has been made on penitentiary reform. Penitentiary
    institutions in Armenia remain overcrowded and living conditions
    have not improved. No inmate rehabilitation programmes have been
    implemented whatsoever.

    CSI, NHC and FIDH call upon the Armenian authorities to redouble
    their efforts to implement the recommendations and voluntary pledges
    explicitly undertaken by Armenia during its Universal Periodic Review
    in 2010.

    From: A. Papazian