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Who Rendered Oligarchs Criminals

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  • Who Rendered Oligarchs Criminals

    Who Rendered Oligarchs Criminals

    16:45 27/03/2013
    Story from News:

    We can often hear from different levels of the authorities that an
    oligarch is not a criminal or the enemy of people and the state. The
    Constitution of Armenia states that power and business should be
    separate. An oligarch is a person who own businesses and takes part
    in governance. It is either a member of parliament or a minister or
    even a department head.

    It is hard to find someone in the ruling system of Armenia who,
    being a de jure official, is not a de facto businessman. In other
    words, almost everyone is oligarch. Since the Constitution prohibits
    interlacing business and government, being oligarchs is a crime
    because it violates the Constitution.

    Consequently, no one renders oligarchs enemies of the society but
    oligarchs themselves have chosen to be enemies and criminals.

    A lot of people say the government pushes them to choose this path
    to be able to control them.

    Maybe it did at some stage but now the situation is changing. For
    example, the Western special services, in order to "tease" the
    Soviet Union, sponsored creation or created different radical and
    terroristic organizations in the Muslim world. With time passing,
    after the initial goals, these organizations became independent and
    started "teasing" the West.

    The same goes for the oligarchy created by the government. It has
    reached the point when it does not act against the society following
    the government's order but has clear interests which are presented
    as requirements to both the society and the government. The oligarchy
    became part of the government, if not the whole of it.

    Currently, just like Muslim individuals or organizations are
    challenging the West, the oligarchy is challenging the Armenian
    government. Besides, the oligarchy which is far from intellect and
    knowledge but understands the principles of the "bazaar power" has
    turned into an independent and influential factor.

    It already hinders de jure political government because the latter has
    appeared in a completely different foreign and internal environment,
    while the oligarchy is the stone around the leg which pulls it down.

    But the knife of the government is not so sharp to cut the rope,
    so it prefers explaining to the stone that it is necessary to go up
    and not down. It is obvious whether it will succeed in explaining to
    the stone not to go down but up.
