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Financial Cemetery: Between Revolution And Emigration

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  • Financial Cemetery: Between Revolution And Emigration

    Naira Hayrumyan

    11:31 27/03/2013
    Story from News:

    As one speaks about the fact that Yerevan should not obey the orders
    of Moscow but should promote its national interests, one immediately
    remembers about those one or two million Armenians living in Moscow.

    Supporters of Armenian-Russian relations affirm that if thousands of
    Armenians leave for Moscow to work, they must feel well there.

    In fact, Armenians leave for Russia not because it is better there.

    They will find a job there but if they could, they would never leave
    their homeland for Europe or America.

    More opportunities will arise as soon as Armenia and the EU sign the
    Association Agreement possible migration of more than one million
    Armenians who are ready to leave for Europe. Yesterday, the EU
    allotted one million euro to Armenia to stop emigration in Europe
    and reintegrate its illegally emigrated citizens who will soon be
    returned to Armenia in accordance with the agreement on readmission.

    Of course, it's hard to imagine the global world without immigration.

    It's normal when people want to change their lives and cross borders.

    But it is not normal when people do not find even the slightest
    opportunity of self-actualization in their own country.

    Serzh Sargsyan criticized an old man of Tavush who complained that
    his sons had left the country. He also blamed the mass media for
    stimulating emigration. To some extent, Serzh Sargsyan is right. The
    phrase "there is nothing that can be done about this country" has
    become a guideline for many people and is pronounced almost as a threat
    to the authorities. And Tigran Sargsyan was even more right, when he
    said if migrant workers stay in the country, they will do a revolution.

    There is a psychological problem. A lot of people choose between
    fight for their rights (revolution) and emigration, which is the
    back-up option. But those who say that the cause of emigration is
    the bad policy of the authorities which defends the interests of a
    group of oligarchs and bankers and boosts emigration, are right.

    Banker Tigran Sargsyan supports financial but not real economy. He
    prefers working with money. The less real production in the country,
    the more people will leave to work abroad and the more money will
    flow into the country. There is no need to invest, to build; it is
    enough to raise taxes and another several thousands of people will
    leave abroad to send remittances home. Millions of dollars can be
    ensured with the help of playing with the exchange rate.

    This is why only banks prosper in Armenia. The prime minister said
    at the beginning of his term that he wants to render Armenia to
    a regional financial center. Armenia didn't become Cyprus indeed,
    nor offshore zone but it became a regional financial cemetery where
    nothing grows from the money planted here.

    So, Serzh Sargsyan should not blame the poor old man from Tavush or
    journalists for boosting emigration but his own prime minister who
    has too ambitious plans. A lot of Englishmen emigrated from their
    country but they conquered the world and rendered their country the
    center of the world. If emigration towards Europe starts, Armenia
    will become a regional black hole.
