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Artsakh Representative Speaks In Fresno

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  • Artsakh Representative Speaks In Fresno



    Robert Avetisyan addresses the crowd in Fresno (photo by Raffi


    FRESNO-Members of Fresno's Armenian community were joined by
    representatives of the offices of U.S. Congressmen Jim Costa and
    Devin Nunez to hear Robert Avetisyan, Representative of the
    Nagorno-Karabakh Republic to the U.S. speak at California State
    University, Fresno.

    Weeks prior to the lecture, which was sponsored by the Fresno State
    Armenian Studies Program and the Armenian National Committee of
    America-Central California as well as the Armenian Students
    Organization, emails and letters to the editor sparked the interest
    of the community to hear Avetisyan.

    The local newspaper, The Fresno Bee also published an op-ed written
    by him to give background of the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh (known
    as Artsakh by Armenians).

    At the onset of the lecture Paul Jamushian, member of the Armenian
    National Committee of America-Central California said, "I ask for
    two things from you, one to listen and learn more about Karabakh and
    ask questions...secondly, please tell your friends about Karabakh ."

    The audience did exactly that, asking numerous questions immediately
    following the lecture. The scope of questions ranged from more
    details of the mountainous territory to ways the Diaspora can help
    develop the small republic.


    On his first visit to Fresno, Robert Avetisyan paid homage to William
    Saroyan (photo by Raffi Mouradian)

    "The Karabakh liberation movement began on February 20th 1988 when
    the Nagorno-Karabakh Council of Deputies applied to the Supreme
    Councils of Soviet Armenia and Azerbaijan for a decision on
    reunification of Nagorno-Karabakh with Armenia," said Barlow Der
    Mugrdechian, Coordinator of the Armenian Studies Program at Fresno
    State as he invited Avetisyan to the podium.

    It was Avetisyan's first trip to Fresno, which he noted shared the
    same weather as his homeland. The time prior to the lecture was spent
    visiting Armenian monuments in Fresno, including the William Saroyan
    bust and the David of Sassoun statue.

    "Karabakh is interested in having global awareness about us because
    we are sure that our cause is right, we have a very strong legal,
    historical and moral basis for claiming the right to live in freedom
    and dignity," stated the Representative, who immediately got the
    attention of the audience with his comments.

    The current situation of Nagorno-Karabakh started in 1921, when
    former dictator Joseph Stalin carved out the republic from Armenia
    and placed it under the administration of the newly created Soviet
    Azerbaijan Republic. This was the only time in history that
    Nagorno-Karabakh was under the territory of Soviet Azerbaijan as part
    of the Soviet Union.


    Melissa Mata presents a plaque to Robert Avetisyan, with the
    statement read into the Congressional Record by Congressman Costa on
    the 25th Anniversary of the Liberation of the Nagorno Karabakh

    This wrongful placement was never accepted by the citizens of
    Nagorno-Karabakh, 97% of whom were Armenians at the time of the
    distribution. For decades, Soviet Azerbaijan did whatever it could to
    change the demographic situation. In 1989, because of systemic
    population increases by the Azerbaijan, the Azeri population in the
    region was up from 3% to 21%. The apparent intention of Azerbaijan
    was to eliminate anything resembling an Armenian existence - a
    policy that had been successfully implemented by Azeris in
    Nakhijevan, where, for instance, thousands of ancient Armenian
    monuments and cemeteries were destroyed and replaced by military
    training sites.

    On many occasions, the people of Nagorno-Karabakh raised their
    voices, requesting restoration of justice but the Soviet authorities
    declined their requests. The most recent attempt took place in 1988,
    when new Soviet leader Gorbachev pledged more democracy. Soviet
    Azerbaijan reacted negatively to this movement for freedom. Hundreds
    of Armenians were subjected to torture and murdered simply for being
    Armenian. Organized mobs armed with knives and sharpened rods
    attacked apartments that belonged to Armenian families and conducted
    targeted atrocities with the full support of law-enforcement
    authorities in the large industrial city of Sumgait, hundreds of
    miles away from Nagorno-Karabakh.

    In 1991, the people of Nagorno-Karabakh acted under existing laws and
    declared the formation of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. Their goal
    was to be a sovereign nation. "Azerbaijan replied with full scale
    military aggression, which was predictable," said Avetisyan of the
    move for freedom. Despite being outnumbered by soldiers and rough
    terrain, the Nagorno-Karabakh military was able to force a
    cease-fire, signed by Azerbaijan, Armenia and themselves. The war
    left the social and economic infrastructure of the Republic in ruin.

    Today, much has been done to rebuild what was destroyed by the
    Azerbaijani military.

    "We found that Karabakh is rich in gold, in coal and in copper and
    mining companies are the #1 tax payers," said Avetisyan referring to
    revenue streams of the economy. "We are doing everything to minimize
    the impact on the environment," he continued. These taxes and
    natural resources are helping build the economy and people are
    noticing. For the seventh consecutive year, the population has seen
    an increase.

    Tourism is also on the rise. Last year 16,000 tourists visited the
    Republic. Knar Kahkejian, an Armenian born in Pasadena, CA has
    visited Nagorno-Karabakh and actually lived there for 2-weeks
    volunteering her time. Of the experience, she said, "I gained
    insight on what Artsakh (Armenian name for Nagorno-Karabakh) was all
    about and what it could offer the Diaspora and myself. There was so
    much I learned about the region and its history, just by sitting and
    conversing with Dadik who lived next door." At the end of the
    lecture, she asked one of the countless questions to Representative
    Avetisyan. Like many, she was impressed by the turn out. "It proved
    to me that the people of Fresno are in fact interested in the welfare
    of Artsakh and what is currently occurring in the region."

    Today, although a peace treaty is still in effect, threats continue
    from Azerbaijan to resort to military action to take back the
    Republic. "The biggest challenge facing Karabakh is Azerbaijan's
    aggressive stance," said Avetisyan. "Every day from various media
    sources, Azerbaijan states that they are going to sell more oil and
    buy more arms," he continued.

    The Representative is correct in his assertion. On March 11, 2013
    News.Az reported that Azerbaijan was the main consumer of Belarusian
    military technology, purchasing $167 million worth.

    "They think they can scare us or force us to is not
    working," said Avetisyan. "We are trying to get in touch with them
    and free their society from this poison," he continued. Poison it
    is. Two recent examples show just how much hatred Azerbaijan's
    government has against Armenia and Armenians.

    Last year convicted murderer Ramil Safarov, who was found guilty of
    murdering Armenian serviceman Lt. Gurgen Markarian, was pardoned by
    Azerbaijan who proclaimed him as a hero, giving him countless
    benefits and back pay. Another example is of writer Akram Aylisli, a
    respected Azerbaijani author who was stripped of his state honors and
    pension for saying Azerbaijan needs to apologize to the Armenians. A
    $12,500 reward was offered for anyone who would cut the author's ear

    Despite this unpredictable neighbor, things are looking more positive
    in Nagorno- Karabakh. Watchdog organization Freedom House rated it as
    a "partly free" nation, which is much better than other regional
    countries. "Today we have a viable state...the population is
    growing," said Avetisyan. "We still invite the international
    community to share and teach us how to do things better," he
