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Ankara: Armenian Origin Soldier Killed Accidentally: Court

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  • Ankara: Armenian Origin Soldier Killed Accidentally: Court


    Hurriyet, Turkey
    March 27 2013

    A Diyarbakır military judge sentenced yesterday a private to four years
    and five months in prison for killing Armenian-Turkish soldier Sevag
    Balıkcı with "conscious negligence," but stopped short of sentencing
    the suspect to the more serious charge of deliberate murder.

    "It seems my dear Sevag's life was that cheap, so killing is legal,"
    the dead soldier's mother, Ani Balıkcı, told the Hurriyet Daily News
    on the phone yesterday.

    Ağaoğlu, who killed Balıkcı on April 24, 2011, will serve three years
    in prison for killing Balıkcı "with a stray bullet."

    In passing the sentence, the Diyarbakır Air Force Command Military
    Court dismissed the Balıkcı family's lawyers' demands to sentence
    Ağaoğlu on charges of deliberate murder. Ani Balıkcı and lawyer Cem
    Halavurt said they would appeal at a higher court and would consider
    carrying the case to the European Court of Human Rights if their
    demands were not met. They will also hold a press conference on the
    court verdict. "We are determined to continue our legal battle,"
    Balıkcı said. "We may even take the case to the European Court of
    Human Rights if we have to."

    Activist Garo Paylan noted that the date of Balıkcı's killing was the
    anniversary of April 24, the annual date recognized internationally for
    remembering the victims of violence at the end of the Ottoman Empire.

    "He was killed on an April 24 and it coincided with Easter, but
    the judge did not pay heed to our warnings," Baylan said. "The
    investigation should have been extended."

    Paylan said Ağaoğlu's lawyers were expecting the decision.

    "After the decision was announced, they made statements such as,
    'The minorities are our brothers,'" Baylan said. "That was a decision
    they had been expecting."

