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EU Supports Raising Human Rights Awareness In Armenia

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  • EU Supports Raising Human Rights Awareness In Armenia


    March 28, 2013 | 11:34

    YEREVAN. - A new initiative aimed at boosting justice and human rights
    standards in Armenia was launched with EU support by the Armenian
    non-governmental organization "Protection of Rights without Borders"
    (PRWB) in January 2013.

    The main goal of the EU funded project "Empowering Armenian Justice
    System through studying EU Law" is to increase knowledge and
    disseminate information about European Union Law and the European
    Court of Justice (ECJ) through public awareness raising activities.

    In the words of the Project Director Siranush Sahakyan, "Europe,
    European values and European guidelines of human rights are discussed
    every day, they are praised and criticized, but sometimes even
    professionals find it complicated to duly comprehend and apply them,"
    noted Sahakyan, "Awareness of European human rights standards will
    help Armenian people to better protect their rights."

    In the scope of the project, a number of debate sessions with
    professionals involved in EU-Armenia integration will be held. The
    project will set up workshops on the EU, EU law and the European Court
    of Justice-its case-law-for judges, prosecutors, attorneys, lawyers
    and lecturers. Short and long-term courses on European Union Law will
    be designed in collaboration with the Higher Education institutions.

    Moreover, a Moot court competition for students will also be
    organized and the winning team will be able to join an informative
    study-visit to the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg called
    "Trip to Justice." Overall, the project will contribute to efficient
    legal approximation of Armenian legislation and incorporation of EU
    human rights standards into Armenian legal system.

    The duration of the project is twelve months and the total EU funding
    amounts to 149,491 euros.
