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Will Vartan Oskanian Be Arrested?

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  • Will Vartan Oskanian Be Arrested?


    Naira Hayrumyan
    11:19 28/03/2013
    Story from News:

    On these days, in an interview with RFE/RL, the founder of the
    Civilitas foundation, former foreign minister of Armenia, MP from
    Prosperous Armenia Party and candidate to mayor of Yerevan Vartan
    Oskanian asked the authorities "to leave Civilitas alone". A similar
    appeal was made yesterday by the ambassadors of the U.S., Germany
    and other countries.

    The press conference of the ambassadors was unprecedented. It
    would be hard to accuse them of interfering in Armenia's internal
    affairs because they have just stated that their countries which also
    funded Civilitas have no claims. And if the Civilitas is accused of
    appropriating foreign money, leave the Foundation alone, the grantors
    are not offended.

    What does the government have against the Civilitas and why is the
    National Security Service dealing with this case? Does the NSS know
    that the Civilitas was going to use the money on a coup d'etat or
    any other treachery? The German ambassador, for example, affirms that
    the grants were allotted to the Civilitas democratic transition.

    As we know, in the post-soviet territory development of democracy
    stands for color revolution and it is possible that the Civilitas
    is a suspect. First, the NSS needs to prove to the society that the
    Civilitas was organizing a revolution. Second, the authorities should
    prove that the democratic change of government is a threat to the
    national security.

    Oskanian has been one of the most controversial figures in the Armenian
    politics. Being a carrier of Western values, he easily came to terms
    with the post-Soviet Armenia, its customs, perhaps because he was
    born in the Middle East where such manners are usual. He was the
    Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia for ten years, and he did not
    interfere in the internal life but at the last moment, on March 1,
    for some reason, he took full responsibility for the government. On
    the one hand, it was seen as a sign of his purely human concern,
    on the other hand, as an attempt to hide the true criminals. But he
    was never forgiven his famous speech.

    Another contradiction was when Vartan Oskanian joined the Prosperous
    Armenia Party. Actually, the countries which funded Vartan Oskanian
    for democratic transition of Armenia were not against his membership to
    the PAP, or maybe even encouraged him. This ensured a strong platform
    for Oskanian and simultaneously neutralized the pro-Russian party.

    Anyway, Vartan Oskanian has suddenly become a sacral political figure
    with a platform of the pro-Russian party, Western financial support
    and personal international connections and a high rating. Such an
    individual is a primary threat to the authorities, perhaps, even a
    bigger threat than the present opposition protesting in the square.

    Checking in the Civilitas Foundation has already lasted for ten
    months. The parliament gave the right to accuse Vartan Oskanian,
    pressure is increasing, and the next step will apparently be Oskanian's
    detention. Otherwise, it will be hard for the government to prevent
    his possible election to the post of Yerevan mayor. Such a prospect is
    possible taking into account the configuration of parties pretending
    to this post.

    Perhaps the probability of Oskanian's arrest has sparked an
    unprecedented press conference of ambassadors after their harsh
    statements. After that, if the government, nevertheless, decides to
    arrest Oskanian, it would have to charge him with an attempt of a
    coup d'etat or something like that. Otherwise, the current pressure
    on Oskanian only boosts his rating and he may well be the next mayor
    of Yerevan.
