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Western Prelacy News - 03/29/2013

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  • Western Prelacy News - 03/29/2013

    March 29, 2013
    Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
    H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate
    6252 Honolulu Avenue
    La Crescenta, CA 91214
    Tel: (818) 248-7737
    Fax: (818) 248-7745
    E-mail: [email protected]


    On Sunday, March 31, 2013, the Glorious Resurrection of our Lord
    Jesus Christ will be ceremoniously celebrated in all Prelacy Churches.
    H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, will celebrate
    Easter Divine Liturgy and deliver the sermon at Holy Martyrs Church in
    On Saturday, March 30, the Prelate will celebrate Easter Eve Divine
    Liturgy and deliver the sermon at St. Mary's Church in Glendale.


    On Monday, April 1, Easter memorial day requiem services will be
    held at Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills Hall of Liberty and Forest Lawn Glendale
    Church of the Recessional. Services begin at 10:00 a.m.
    The Prelate will preside over the service at Forest Lawn Hollywood
    Hills, with the participation of clergy members.


    On the morning of Wednesday, April 3, the Prelate will preside over
    Easter Divine Liturgy at Ararat Home in Mission Hills. Prelacy clergy
    members will participate in the Divine Liturgy, which is celebrated each
    year on this occasion.
    Clergy members will visit the nursing facility at 10:00 a.m.,
    followed by Divine Liturgy at the Chapel at 10:30 a.m., which will be
    celebrated by Rev. Fr. Khoren Babochian.


    On the afternoon of Tuesday, March 26, 2013, Senate Majority Leader
    Harry Reid and his wife visited the newly built St. Garabed Armenian
    Apostolic Church of Las Vegas.
    Upon arrival the Senator was met by Archpriest Fr. Avedis Torossian,
    Parish Council Chairman Mr. Adroushan Armenian and Building Committee
    members Mr. Koko Darakjian and Mr. Levon Gulbenkian. Mr. Vreij Taslakian
    representing the Church Consecration Committee and Ms. Lindy Schumacher
    representative of Kirk Kerkorian's Dream Fund at UCLA were also present.
    The Senator and Mrs. Reid entered the church after lighting their
    candles. Father Avedis provided a brief background about the Church and its
    services. Mr. Koko Darakjian and Mr. Levon Gulbenkian described the Church
    construction process and the Senator was impressed that the project was
    completed within only seven months from laying the foundation to its
    Mr. Vreij Taslakian briefed the Senator about the growing Las Vegas
    Armenian Community and Ms. Lindy Schumacher explained Dream Fund's support
    of the Saturday Armenian School and plans to equip the school with advanced
    modern language and history learning techniques.
    Mr. Adroushan Armenian explained that St. Garabed is the Armenian
    translation for St. John the Baptist and shared with the Senator photos of
    St. Garabed Monastery of Moush, Historic Armenia, which legend has was built
    on the remains of St. John the Baptist in the fourth century He also told
    how the Church and monastery were destroyed by the Turkish army in 1915
    during the Armenian Genocide, and they discussed House Resolution 306 which
    calls upon the Republic of Turkey "to safeguard its Christian heritage and
    to return confiscated Church properties".
    At the end of the visit, Father Avedis presented Senator Reid with a
    traditional Armenian cross-stone commemorating this special visit. The
    Senator congratulated the Parish Pastor and Church representatives, and
    promised to provide St. Garabed Church with a U.S. Flag that has flown on
    the Capitol in order to fly on the first Armenian Church in the city of Las


    On Thursday, March 28, 2013, Maundy Thursday was observed in Prelacy
    Churches with three spiritually moving services commemorating the last days
    of the earthly ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    The day began with Divine Liturgy commemorating the Sacrament of
    Communion instituted by Jesus Christ Himself during the Last Supper. In the
    afternoon, the Washing of the Feet service was held during which priests
    washed the feet of acolytes and faithful in the example of Jesus Christ Who
    washed the feet of His disciples as a mark of humility. The most poignant
    service of the day is held at night with the Vigil service commemorating the
    betrayal, arrest, and torture of Jesus.
    H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, conducted the
    Washing of the Feet service at St. Sarkis Church in Pasadena. In his
    message, the Prelate cited the Words of Jesus Christ to the Apostle Peter
    "What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this"
    (John 13:7), and elaborated that by washing the feet of His disciples, Jesus
    gave a great commandment to us all, the commandment of love, service, and
    humility. The earthly ministry of Christ is the greatest testament to the
    immeasurable love of our Lord Who sent His Son to make an unfathomable
    sacrifice for the remission of our sins. And through the Washing of the
    Feet, our Lord commands us to follow in His perfect example by loving and
    serving one another with humility and compassion, said the Prelate.
    Later in the evening, the Prelate presided over the Vigil service at
    St. Mary's Church in Glendale. With the Church lights dimmed and the
    reverberation of the spiritually stirring hymns "Glory to God in the
    Highest" and "Where are you, My mother", faithful somberly commemorated the
    last day of Christ on earth and His path to the Cross for our salvation.
    The Prelate stated that when Jesus was crucified, there were around Him
    different groups of people; those who called for His death, those who denied
    Him out of fear and doubt, and a third group comprised of His mother, close
    relatives, and secret disciples who remained faithful to Him until the end,
    among them the Apostle John standing next to the Holy Mother of God, to whom
    Jesus said, "Woman, behold your son!" Then He said to the disciple, "Behold
    your mother!" And from that hour that disciple took her to his own home
    (John 19:25-27)). Blessed are those among us who count ourselves among the
    group who remained faithfully devoted to Him, for only then will we triumph
    over sin and death and be worthy of His promise of redemption and salvation,
    concluded the Prelate.


    On the evening of Tuesday, March 26, 2013, Holy Tuesday, or the
    Parable of the Ten Maidens, was commemorated in Prelacy Churches. H.E.
    Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, presided over the service at Holy
    Martyrs Church in Encino. Sunday School students participated in the
    singing of the service and also represented the ten maidens.
    In his message, the Prelate went over the Parable of the Ten
    Maidens, explaining that the groom symbolizes our Lord Jesus Christ and how
    five of the maidens had the wisdom and foresight to bring extra oil with
    them while the five unwise maidens did not have the foresight of doing so
    and thus were not there to greet the groom. The timeless message of the
    Parable which still applies to our lives today, said the Prelate, is to live
    in the example of the five wise maidens and be prepared and alert at all
    times. Being prepared means doing the right thing and obeying the Word of
    God, and being alert means not being deceived and led by evil, but rather
    choosing the righteous path, stated the Prelate. Thus, only by being
    prepared and alert and living God-pleasing lives according to His Word can
    we greet Christ. Holy Week is also a time to prepare ourselves for the
    upcoming celebration of the Glorious Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ
    on Easter Sunday, concluded the Prelate.


    On Sunday, March 24, 2013, the triumphant entry of our Lord Jesus
    Christ into Jerusalem was festively celebrated in Prelacy Churches with
    Divine Liturgy, the children's procession, and the Opening of Portals
    service. Churches were beautifully decorated with palm leaves while
    children held candles adorned with olive branches symbolizing the peace our
    Savior brings.
    H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, having returned from
    his trip to the Vatican and Canterbury the day before, celebrated Palm
    Sunday at Holy Cross Cathedral in Montebello. It was the first Divine
    Liturgy celebrated in the Cathedral after the renovation project. Rev. Fr.
    Ashod Kambourian assisted at the altar, and in honor of the Episcopal Divine
    Liturgy, one of the altar servers was Mr. David Ghoogasian, the new
    principal of Mesrobian School.
    The Prelate began his sermon by thanking God for his safe return
    back to the Prelacy after participating in the inauguration of Pope Francis
    and the enthronement of the Archbishop of Canterbury. Stating that the
    message of both those historic occasion was an inspiration to serve
    faithfully with humility, simplicity, love, and devotion, he called on the
    faithful to follow in the example of the two spiritual leaders and commit to
    continuing their dedicated service to the Armenian Apostolic Church and
    community with love and humility, for the glory of God and for the
    advancement of our nation.
    Next, the Prelate reflected on the re-opening of the Cathedral after
    months of renovation, stating that Holy Cross has been providing spiritual
    nourishment to the community for three decades from this Cathedral, and that
    the renovation project is not just a physical overhaul but a testament to
    the commitment of the Parish to move forward in its mission for many more
    years to come. Thus, His Eminence commended the Pastor, Board of Trustees,
    Delegates, and all those who were involved and contributed to the successful
    realization of the endeavor, especially the Tumanjian family whose
    benevolence made the project possible, and thanked them for their years-long
    unwavering support and encouragement of the parish and community.
    Speaking on the feast of the triumphant entry of our Lord Jesus
    Christ into Jerusalem, the Prelate noted that Jesus rode into Jerusalem
    knowing perfectly well what the journey would entail, that He was about to
    face the greatest challenge in His earthly life - trial, torture, and
    crucifixion, but that the outcome would be the greatest triumph for mankind,
    His Glorious Resurrection and promise of salvation. The inspiring lesson
    and message of Palm Sunday is the Truth that Easter Sunday will triumph over
    Good Friday, that our greatest challenges have the potential to become our
    greatest victories. The New King, our Redeemer and Savior, was coming to
    restore the Kingdom of God, and the crowds enthusiastically greeted Him,
    laying down their garments in His path and waving palm branches while
    shouting, "Hosanna to the Son of David; Blessed is He Who comes in the name
    of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest". Their long-awaited desire was
    fulfilled; the Messiah they had been waiting for had come. It was a day to
    As they were laying down their palms and their cloaks before Jesus,
    they were symbolically relinquishing control, submitting themselves to Him
    in obedience. And that is what we are called to do today; to lay down our
    cloaks before Jesus, lay down our ideas and thoughts, trust not in our own
    understanding of Him and His purpose for us, but rather open the portals of
    our hearts and souls to Him and surrender to His will for our lives,
    whatever it may be. Jesus came that we may have life, and have it
    abundantly. We are restored to God when we are freed from sin and live the
    lives that God has called us to live. Only then will our eyes be opened to
    the promised salvation Christ brings, said the Prelate.
    The children's procession took place at the conclusion of Divine
    Liturgy, led by the Prelate and comprised of Sunday School students and
    faithful children. The procession circled the courtyard and returned to the
    Cathedral, upon which began the Opening of the Portals service conducted by
    the Prelate. This year's godfather was Anthony Guldalian, son of Mr. and
    Mrs. Chris Guldalian.
    The Palm Sunday celebration continued with a luncheon at "Bagramian"
    Hall, organized by the Parish Ladies Guild and the local ARS "Ani" Chapter.
    Among the guests were benefactor Mr. George Tumanjian with his family and
    representatives of sister organizations. During the luncheon, guests
    enjoyed a musical performance by a group of Mesrobian School students.
    Opening remarks were delivered by Ladies Guild Chair Mrs. Elizabeth
    Khanjian. The Prelate delivered the invocation and blessed the tables.
    Remarks were also conveyed by ARS "Ani" Chapter Chair Mrs. Nevart Mouradian,
    Mesrobian School principal Mr. David Ghoogasian, both of whom stressed the
    value of collaboration between the Church, School, and sister organizations.
    Holy Cross Cathedral Board of Trustees Chair Mrs. Goharik Gabriel
    gave an overview of the renovation project, and on behalf of the parish
    community thanked the Tumanjian family for their sponsorship of the project,
    and especially Michael Tumanjian who supervised the endeavor. She then
    invited him to share his thoughts on this occasion.
    Mr. Tumanjian expressed that it was a blessing and honor for him to
    be able to oversee the renovation project, thanked his father George for
    sponsoring the expenses, and his son Micky for his active involvement in the
    project. The guests expressed their appreciation to the Tumanjian family
    with their loud applause.
    Rev. Fr. Ashod Kambourian also offered his word of thanks and
    congratulation to the benefactor and to the Holy Cross Cathedral family on
    the successful realization of this endeavor.
    The Prelate commended Mr. George Tumanjian for his latest generosity
    and for this unwavering support to Holy Cross Cathedral throughout the
    years, and commended Mr. Michael Tumanjian for ably overseeing the project
    over the past three months and ensuring its timely completion by Palm
    Sunday. At the conclusion of the luncheon, guests approached the Tumanjian
    family to personally convey their appreciation to the family.
