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'No One Can Break Our Will' - Levon Ter-Petrosyan

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  • 'No One Can Break Our Will' - Levon Ter-Petrosyan


    18:37 ~U 30.04.13

    The Armenian National Congress (ANC) party has started its rally in
    Yerevan's Freedom Square.

    ANC leader, Armenia's first president Levon Ter-Petrosyan, Vahagn
    Khachatryan (who tops the ANC list in the elections to Yerevan's
    Council of Elders) and other members are to speak at the rally.

    Speaking at the rally, Vladimir Karapetyan, who is on the ANC list
    in the upcoming elections to Yerevan's Council of Elders, expressed
    the confidence that the ruling Republican Party of Armenia (RPA)
    will suffer defeat.

    "A competent and politically conscious voter cannot vote for a greedy
    person that cannot speak his native language. The RPA candidate is
    known to be avoiding debates with his rivals. He is phobic about the
    moment of explaining the sources of his fortune," he said.

    "Cannot any member of the ruling party explain the sources of an
    official's fortune? No, they cannot because they cannot imagine an
    honestly paid official," Karapetyan said.

    "I feel Taron has won in the category 'the cleverest RPA member with
    the cleanest hands.' He must be the 'cleanest' in the ruling party
    because he tops its list in the May 5 elections," Karapetyan said.

    He is indignant that the RPA candidate is surrounded by the "Yerevan
    crime kingpins."

    ANC Spokesman Arman Musinyan (3rd on the ANC list in the upcoming
    elections to Yerevan's Council of Elders), said that, despite
    the population's great disappointment at the Feb. 18 presidential
    election, the ANC succeeded in explaining the importance of the
    municipal elections to voters.

    "Our election campaign showed the population's utter contempt for
    the ruling regime," he said.

    The misinformation the authorities are disseminating through some
    media outlets shows they are afraid of the ANC's potential and its
    political team.

    Victory in the upcoming elections is only possible due to "effective
    opposition to the ruling party's planned frauds."

    ANC leader Levon Ter-Petrosyan made a speech at the rally.

    He spoke of the recent presidential election and of the upcoming
    elections to Yerevan's Council of Elders.

    The ANC rejects anyone that is not ready for a consistent struggle.

    The ANC is "accustomed to blows," and no one can hope they can break
    the ANC's will and force it to give up.

    Although the rally highlighted the upcoming municipal elections,
    Ter-Petrosyan recalled his last public meeting ten months ago.

    On February 18, the gang rule managed to retain power by means
    of election frauds and pressure. However, the people delivered a
    powerful blow. According to official data, opposition candidates
    received about 42% of votes.

    In the context of the upcoming municipal elections, Ter-Petrosyan
    called on all the opposition forces to reject recriminations and
    combine their efforts to "free Armenia's capital from captivity"
    on May 5.

    "I am sure that, just a couple of months after the presidential
    election, when the people are still in a spirit of struggle, we can
    take this chance. And the country's opposition forces would commit
    a gross blunder if they missed this chance," Ter-Petrosyan said

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