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Inventory Is Followed By Disposal

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  • Inventory Is Followed By Disposal


    There are already two inquiries about the origin of high-ranking
    officials. Amnesty International has applied to the Ethics Commission
    to find out whether the head of SRC has used his official powers to
    enrich himself. And the Armenian National Congress has applied to
    the Office of the Prosecutor General to check the lawfulness of the
    source of Taron Margaryan's wealth.

    Such issues are unprecedented in Armenia. Since the declaration of
    independence and legalization of private property nobody in Armenia
    has ever brought up the issue of legality of capital accrued in the
    past two decades. It has been stated in press at a popular level but
    no legal assessments have been made. Apparently, it is due to the
    difficulties that a country with weak law enforcement may have while
    trying to find out whether the capital is legal. At least because
    the economy is inundated with corruption schemes. It is possible to
    check the source of wealth of one official or another whereas everyone
    should be checked.

    In Armenia, privatization of state property and national wealth went
    on savagely. At that time nobody could figure out why big companies
    were sold without quoting, why some people received licenses for
    exploiting the subsoil, why the economy is divided to quotas. Besides,
    nobody knows the real amount of assets of Armenian rich people. Even
    Forbes with its "respectable" ratings had to close in Armenia.

    Now it is time for inventory. The country's leadership wants to count
    how much everyone has, how much is recorded in the official book of
    income. Besides, it is a good opportunity to remove those who do not
    obey the new building system.

    As a rule inventory ends with a disposal. If the legality of Gagik
    Khachatryan's and Taron Margaryan's property is confirmed, they will
    become the first legitimate official capitalists.

    It is not ruled out to be a precedent for applying to the Office of
    the Prosecutor General demanding to check the others as well.

    Finally, property can be legalized in three ways: nationalization,
    pardon on the condition of investing in the social sector or
    redistribution - taking from one and giving to another. A chain of
    grocery stores is closing already. Let's see who will get them.

    Naira Hayrumyan 14:19 02/05/2013 Story from News:
