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Serzh Sargsyan Needs Tsarukyan's Money

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  • Serzh Sargsyan Needs Tsarukyan's Money


    The Prosperous Armenia Party has been unable to figure out its
    political mission in the logic of internal and external developments
    since 2006. When Vartan Oskanian joined the party in 2012, it seemed
    that the godfather of the PAP, Robert Kocharyan and his party activists
    were aware of this problem and were trying to resolve it.

    Further developments showed, however, that the PAP is deprived of
    a potential of political mission, and Vartan Oskanian alone will not
    bring spring, especially that Oskanian willy-nilly set to establish the
    political mission of the PAP, without first identifying his personal
    political mission for himself.

    Hence, it should be noted that the PAP holds out a political banner
    but willy-nilly fulfils an economic mission.

    When the Aravot asked Levon Zurabyan of the ANC what he thinks
    about vote buying by PAP, Zurabyan said when a political force buys
    votes, the government is to blame because the government and its law
    enforcement agencies are supposed to prevent vote buying.

    This answer which is strange from the civil and political point of
    view is quite right from the technical point of view. If the government
    is reluctant, the PAP or any other force will not be able to buy votes.

    The question is why the government wants so if the PAP is not
    government and is opposed to the RPA. The RPA has three important
    reasons. First, by allowing the PAP to buy votes the RPA legitimizes
    its vote buying activity. Second, by allowing the PAP to buy votes
    the government gains another lever against this party because it can
    prosecute the party for vote buying any time it wants. Note that
    during the parliamentary election only one vote buyer of PAP was
    arrested amid total vote buying.

    Third, the PAP has an economic mission which is highly important to
    the RPA. How much money does Gagik Tsarukyan spend on his political
    activity? There is no such statistics but the bill is measured in
    millions of dollars. The party's spending is a peculiar investment.

    The PAP is as big as the RPA, which costs a lot of money, especially
    during elections. It is something usual in the entire world. Legality
    of the money is another issue but money is essential to the activities
    of almost all the influential parties in the world.

    Besides, Gagik Tsarukyan spends a lot of money via Gagik Tsarukyan
    Benevolent Foundation which he would not have done were there no need
    to underpin his "political" ambitions.

    I have done a lot and will do a lot more independent from everything,
    Gagik Tsarukyan stated in the yard of his wine company during his
    meeting with PAP members. Of course, he will do. Otherwise there
    would be much less people not only in that meeting but also in the
    PAP because a lot of people are attracted by the financial reward
    they get for their work there rather than ideas or values of the PAP
    which actually do not differ from the classical Armenian governmental
    values and ideas.

    If Tsarukyan did not do investments in politics, he would hardly
    invest them in the Armenian economy because he obviously prefers to
    invest in Eastern Europe, Belarus, the Baltic States.

    Hence, politics is the reason why Gagik Tsarukyan spends millions in
    Armenia which eventually relieve social tensions a bit.

    Ostensibly, Serzh Sargsyan will not hinder the PAP to continue to
    live with serious "political" ambitions. At least, until the vital
    issue of redistribution of property comes, and sufficient sources of
    medium-term solutions to social issues are are found.

    Hakob Badalyan 15:08 02/05/2013 Story from News:
