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On May 5 We Say "No" To The Ruling Regime

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  • On May 5 We Say "No" To The Ruling Regime

    April 28, 2013

    On April 28, an ARF-D delegation comprised of the party's Supreme
    Council of Armenia Vice Chairmen Aghvan Vardanyan (2nd place on the
    list of candidates) and Arsen Hambartsumyan (3rd place on the list
    of candidates), MP, Artsvik Minasyan and party candidates walked the
    streets of Avan. The ARF-D members introduced the party's platform
    to the local residents and urged them to cast their ballots in favor
    of the opposition on the May 5 Yerevan municipal election and in
    particular to vote for ARF-D which is determined to form an alliance of
    the opposition forces that will be elected. Former ARF-D MP, Artashes
    Shahbazyan, who is a resident of Avan spoke about the concequences
    of having a one-party monopoly and how that affects every aspect of
    the life of Armenians. "On May 5, we'll go to the polling stations
    and we'll say "No" to these consequences, giving our vote to ARF-D"
    said Shahbazyan.

    Rustamyan: We Must Be Freed From The Regime The Soonest Possible

    "We see this election as being not only about Yerevan but a serious
    opportunity to change the fate of our country through an election
    process. We want to realize radical reforms in the country through
    this election" said ARF-D Supreme Council of Armenia and Head of the
    list of candidates, Armen Rustamyan to Aygestan residents,
    reports. Rustamyan reminded that ARF-D has spoke about those radical
    reforms with its seven-point platform which was put together ahead
    of the February 18, presidential election. "The main cause for the
    situation Armenia is in today, is the fact that the ruling political
    party has become one with the state. As long as we don't defeat this
    cause, our problems won't be solved. This situation has become dreadful
    for everyone" he said. "The country has been divided in two. From
    one side there is a 3-5% of privileged people who have accumulated
    incalculable wealth and from the other, there is us who are left in the
    mercy of fate. This is why migration has broken all the records. People
    tell you, that they are ready to leave the country as soon as they find
    a way to do that. This is indicative of our crisis. This is the final
    point and we must change it the earliest possible" Rustamyan stated. In
    his opinion Yerevan could be totally different had the mayor made use
    of his rights. But he passed those on to the ruling political party
    of whom he is a member. If there is no order in the capital then one
    shouldn't expect much from the other regions. Having a mayor from the
    opposition will lead to competitiveness between the political forces
    who will strive to prove they are better than their counterparts.

    From: A. Papazian