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Tbilisi: Relations Between Armenia-Azerbaijan-Turkey Discussed In Tb

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  • Tbilisi: Relations Between Armenia-Azerbaijan-Turkey Discussed In Tb

    By Ana Robakidze

    The Messenger, Georgia
    May 2 2013

    The regulation of relations between Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkey
    were discussed during the 3rd annual NATO Parliamentary Assembly's
    83rd Rose-Roth seminar in the capital Tbilisi. Representatives of
    the three countries addressed the participants and provided their
    opinions on the regional conflict.

    It is obvious for all parties that conflict resolution will require
    a very long time and huge efforts, as none of the sides seem to be
    ready to give up their positions.

    Armenian political analyst, Alexander Iskanderian, fears that despite
    the desire of the Armenian side to settle relations with Turkey,
    the process of the conflict resolution is frozen, for what official
    Ankara has to be blamed as the expert said at the seminar. According
    to Iskanderian, the situation is difficult, as the Kharabakh conflict
    remains unsolved and meanwhile Turkey is actively lobbing in support
    of Azerbaijan. The expert says currently it is impossible to even speak
    about the ways of stabilizing the relations between Armenia and Turkey.

    Representative of Azerbaijan, Fariz Ismailzade does not deny that
    Turkey and Azerbaijan will remain partner countries. Ismailzade said
    in his speech at the seminar that Turkey played a huge role in the
    development of his country, but at present these two countries are
    equal partners. Ismailzade is concerned about the Kharabakh conflict,
    he said the after the failure of the Kazan meeting, the process is
    "closed" and it will be impossible to solve the conflict until the
    status of Kharabakh is resolved.

    Representative of Turkey, Dr. Mustafa Aydin, assured the participants
    of the Rose-Roth seminar that his country is greatly interested in the
    Caucasus region and will try to create a zone of economic stability
    around its borders. However, due to the fact that the Armenian side
    closed the border with Turkey, it is difficult to promote negotiations
    between these two countries, Aydin said in his speech.

    Despite principally different opinions on the ways of conflict
    settlement, all participants of the seminar agreed that there is no
    way to solve the problem and stabilize the relations between Armenia,
    Azerbaijan and Turkey without the participation of international
    organizations and their missions.

    President of NATO Parliamentary Assembly Hugh Bayley closed the
    seminar with his final speech, summarizing the results of the three-day
    event. It is nice to see that both the opposition and the government
    of the country keep the same foreign course and strive to achieve
    integration with Euro-Atlantic structures, Bayley said.

    After closing the official part of the seminar, cultural events were
    arranged for the participants.
