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The Battle For Yerevan

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  • The Battle For Yerevan


    Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso, Italy
    May 2 2013

    by Mikayel Zolyan | Yerevan
    2 May 2013

    Tensions remain high in Armenia following clashes during the
    presidential inauguration of April 9. The opposition hopes are for
    a turning point at the May 5 municipal elections in Yerevan, home to
    one third of the country's population

    As Armenia's capital Yerevan is getting ready for the municipal
    elections on May 5 2013, the political situation is showing few
    signs of cooling off. The crisis that was triggered by the February
    18 elections, when opposition leader Raffi Hovannisian refused to
    accept official election results, continues. While it seems that
    the opposition has so far failed to mount protests strong enough to
    force the government to cede to its demands, the opposition is getting
    ready for a new fight at the municipal elections in the capital.

    The Two Inaugurations According to the Armenian law inauguration of
    the president-elect happens forty days after the elections, which,
    as elections took place on February 18, meant that April 9 was the
    date of the inauguration.

    Hovannisian, who had refused to accept the official results of the
    elections, which awarded victory to incumbent Sargsyan, had announced
    that on April 9 there would be an alternative inauguration ceremony.

    Hovannisian's supporters called on Armenians to take to the street
    on April 9 in order to protest what they believed was election fraud
    and to show that Sargsyan was not a legitimate president.

    Raffi Hovanissian (with the yellow stripes tie) during the April 9
    protests (PanARMENIAN Photos) Thus tensions were running high in the
    days before the inauguration.

    On April 9 Yerevan reminded a battle ground. Police troops in riot
    gear were stationed on the major streets, while opposition supporters
    started gathering from the morning at the Liberty Square in central
    Yerevan, where Hovannisian's "inauguration of the New Armenia"
    was taking place. Many feared the repetition of the tragic events
    of March 1 2008, when ten people died and dozens were wounded as
    a result of clashes. However, if the March 1 events of 2008 became
    one of the most tragic episodes of post-Soviet Armenia's history,
    the events of April 9 2013 will probably be remembered as one of the
    most bizarre episodes of Armenian politics.

    While traditionally Armenian presidents' inauguration is taking place
    at the Opera House, situated at the Liberty Square, because of the
    protests, it had been decided that Sargsyan's inauguration would
    take place at a concert venue far from the city center. Members of
    parliament, representing Hovannisian's "Heritage" party and other
    opposition parties boycotted the Sargsyan's inauguration ceremony.

    Another major parliamentary party "Prosperous Armenia", did not
    boycott the inauguration altogether, but its leader Gagik Tsarukyan,
    was conspicuously absent. This testified to the increasingly isolated
    position, in which Sargsyan and the ruling Republican Party have
    found themselves in the aftermath of the February 18 election.

    A Kafkaesque moment About the same time as Sargsyan was being sworn
    in as president, Hovannisian read out the text of "the Oath for
    New Armenia" before his supporters at the Liberty Square. However
    this was not enough for most protesters, who wanted to march to the
    Presidential Palace.

    Hovannisian reluctantly agreed and lead the protesters to Baghramyan
    street, where most government buildings are situated and which had
    been sealed off by the police. As clashes between the police and the
    protesters started breaking out, some activists were detained.

    Hovannisian entered negotiations with the Chief of the Police,
    Vladimiar Gasparyan, and suggested a compromise solution: instead of
    the march towards the Presidential Palace a march to the Memorial of
    Genocide Victims.

    Some protesters followed Hovannisian, escorted by Gasparyan to the
    Memorial, where the opposition leader and the police chief prayed
    together. This was probably the most Kafkaesque moment of the day,
    especially since at the same time in another part of town tension was
    growing between the police and those protesters who refused to leave
    Baghramyan street. The stand-off with the police was getting tenser,
    but the arrival of Hovannisian and Gasparyan helped to diffuse the
    tension and finally, already late at night, remaining protesters
    were allowed to march towards the Presidential Palace. However, by
    that time many protesters, especially those with more radical views,
    had left the stage of the rally, disappointed with what they saw as
    Hovannisian's lack of decisiveness.

    First we take Yerevan, then...

    Raffi Hovanissian during the April 9 protests (PanARMENIAN Photos)
    Thus, the events of April 9 not only dealt a blow to the legitimacy
    of Sargsyan as incumbent president, but also somewhat undermined
    the image of Hovannisian as the frontrunner of the opposition. He
    came under criticism from various figures in the opposition camp,
    who accuse him of inefficient leadership. Hovannisian's supporters
    retorted that at least Hovannisian managed to avoid major clashes and
    bloodletting. In any case, it may be hard to assess the real outcomes
    of April 9 at this point. Civic activist Arsen Kharatyan, who took
    part in the demonstrations, agrees that there were certain issues
    regarding the organization of the protests. However, he believes it
    is important that large-scale violence was averted, especially given
    the fact that Armenian society still has not fully recovered from
    the shock of the tragedy of March 1 2008.

    While some opposition supporters may agree that they have lost a battle
    on April 9, they still hope that the municipal elections in Yerevan on
    May 5 will become a turning point. Voters in Yerevan, which is home
    to one third of Armenia's population, will be electing the Council
    of Elderly of Yerevan, which in turn would choose the mayor.

    Six parties and one electoral block have put forward their electoral
    lists. A victory for the opposition in the municipal elections could
    change the overall balance of power in the country, breaking the
    monopoly on power which the Republican Party and its allies have held
    for about 15 years. In their campaign Hovannisian's "Hello Yerevan"
    electoral coalition stresses that the municipal elections are the
    continuation of the presidential campaign and calls on those voters
    who supported Hovannisian not to lose hope in the final victory.

    However, the opposition may face serious difficulties in these
    elections. The ruling Republican Party is betting on the young mayor of
    Yerevan Taron Margaryan, who is not associated with the much hated old
    guard of the party and the "oligarchs". There is also little doubt that
    the so-called administrative resource, i.e. the government structures,
    will be used to provide the necessary number of votes for the ruling
    party. Another factor, which may influence the election result, is
    the failure of the opposition to unite. Opposition parties Armenian
    National Congress and Dashnaktsutyun, who avoided participation in
    the presidential elections, will be taking part in the municipal
    election, as well as "Prosperous Party", which prefers to call itself
    "alternative to the government" rather than opposition.

    As a result, the pro-opposition vote may be split between these
    parties, allowing the ruling Republicans to take control of the
    Council of the Elderly. On the other hand, as supporters of these
    parties argue, the participation of various opposition forces might
    make it more difficult for the pro-government to try to falsify the
    election results. In any case, the municipal elections on May 5 may
    become instrumental for shaping the political landscape of Armenia
    in the years to come.


    From: A. Papazian