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The Mystery Deepens

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  • The Mystery Deepens

    EDITORIAL | APRIL 30, 2013 8:08 PM

    By Edmond Y. Azadian

    While Armenians around the country were grieving the loss of four
    victims and 200 wounded as a result of the Boston Marathon bombings -
    a story which ended in the Armenian neck of the woods of Watertown,
    Mass. - suddenly a bomb was also hurled in the news media calling
    Armenians for cover.

    While investigations were continuing relentlessly and the events
    leading to the bombing were evolving, Armenians had to focus on the
    unexpected turn of events, when the bombers' uncle, Ruslan Tsarni,
    interjected the name of a shadowy character called, "Misha," who
    had "taken the brain" of the bombers and supposedly "brainwashed
    completely" the elder brother, Tamerlan. And this character is supposed
    to be of "Armenian descent," converted to Islam - a rare concoction
    of a character, indeed.

    As the authorities were after the criminal aspects of the case,
    Armenians had to tend to their own wounds, right on the eve of the
    April 24 commemoration of the Armenian Genocide.

    The surviving younger bomber has confessed that the next target was
    Times Square in New York City. No one has yet asked the question:
    why was that particular target selected? Was there any connection
    with the Armenian Genocide commemoration to take place at that very
    same location a few days later?

    As Armenians began to wonder and look into the implications of Uncle
    Tsarni's statement, the mystery turned even darker and more complex
    looking like the characterization of Soviet Russia by Winston Churchill
    who said, "I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a
    riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma; but perhaps there is
    a key."

    When, finally that key was found, it turned out to be a big lie. And
    as soon as that lie was discovered, the Soviet Empire collapsed.

    Now the question is who will be able to find the key to this new
    mystery. As the characters of this drama are revealed the mystery
    gets even thicker. Only investigative journalists with connections
    to the darker alleys of the intelligence community may be able to
    get to the bottom of this "Armenian connection."

    Prominent lawyer, Mark Geragos, set the record straight with CNN's
    Anderson Cooper, who was harping continuously on the Armenian ancestry
    of the character Misha who suddenly had become a major player. Had
    he known the background of the characters, as we now know, he would
    have certainly made more of an in-depth case on the issue.

    Of course, on Tuesday, April 30, Tsarni contacted the Armenian
    Mirror-Spectator to apologize to the Armenian community. (See story on
    page 1.) What is the reason for the change of heart at this juncture?

    As journalists investigate this event and its aftermath, they
    publish more facts and information about the players in this game. Of
    particular interest for us here, is the character of Ruslan Tsarni
    who threw the "Armenian bomb" at the media. He does not seem to be a
    simple by-stander. His involvement and activities are entwined with
    oil politics and covert operations.

    Ruslan Tsarni turns out to be an oil executive serving a company
    active in the Caspian region. He served for two years (1999-2001)
    as the head of the legal department of the oil company, Golden Eagle.

    Earlier he was a Halliburton contractor and for two years he was a
    consultant to USAID in Kazakhstan.

    In light of the furtive lobbying campaign of the oil companies,
    against the passage of the Armenian Genocide resolution in Congress,
    Mr. Tsarni's Armenian reference cannot be construed as coincidental.

    It must be deliberate especially given his legal background.

    Besides his business relations, his family ties are even muddier,
    and he cannot extricate himself from the family web that drags him
    further into the shady world of covert activities.

    In a revelation published in Boiling Frogs by Sibel Edmonds (April 27,
    2013), it turns out that Mr. Tsarni was married to the daughter of
    Graham Fuller. Who is Graham Fuller? The publication writes, "A major
    break in the Boston terror CIA connection took place last night when
    I came across a post outing CIA operative Graham Fuller as the father
    of a woman married to the Boston terror suspects' infamous uncle,
    Ruslan Tsarni. Further confirmation of this bombshell was received
    via mainstream reporter, Laura Rozen."

    We further read in the Boiling Frogs expose: "On a more ominous note,
    Graham Fuller was listed as one of the American Deep State rogues on
    Sibel Edmonds' State Secrets Privilege Gallery. Edmonds explained it
    featured subjects of FBI investigations she became aware of during
    her time as an FBI translator.

    "Criminal activities were being protected by claims of State Secrets,
    she asserted. After Attorney General John Ashcroft went all the way
    to the Supreme Court to muzzle her under a little-used doctrine of
    State Secrets, she put up 21 photos, with no names. One of them was
    Graham Fuller."

    A more revealing testimony by Edmonds brings Mr. Fuller's activities
    and goals closer home to Caucasus and consequently to Armenia: "You
    may remember one of these foreign policy makers from my State Secrets
    Privilege Gallery and my under oath testimony in the Krikorian case.

    Here is a quote from Graham A. Fuller, former Deputy Director of
    the CIA's National Council on Intelligence: 'The policy of guiding
    the evolution of Islam and of helping them against our adversaries
    worked marvelously well in Afghanistan against the Red Army. The
    same doctrines can still be used to destabilize what remains of
    Russian power, and especially to counter the Chinese influence in
    Central Asia.'"

    Mr. Fuller's activities do not necessarily reflect on Mr. Ruslan
    Tsarni, but his place in the tangle of oil politics and covert
    operations shed light on his statements and his intent to drag the
    Armenian name into this mess.

    Also special attention must be focused on Mr. Fuller's "doctrinal"
    ideas; while the West and specially the US are fighting radical Islam,
    on the other hand, that same weapon is being used to "destabilize
    what remains of Russian power." That certainly implicates Armenia,
    where one of the last power bases of Russia is located.

    Therefore, it is no surprise that Russia recently expelled most of the
    foreign NGOs operating in its territory. But they are still active in
    Armenia. And in conjunction with the infiltration of religious sects
    they are intent on undermining the foundations of the country. None
    of the foreign organizations may entertain altogether altruistic goals.

    They are all self-serving at Armenia's expense.

    Returning to Misha, he seems to be the remotest person to be connected
    with anything Armenian. But Uncle Ruslan implicates him as the main
    culprit in misguiding his "innocent" nephews. Misha also seems to be
    a shady character. Interviewed in his Rhode Island home by New York
    Review of Books, Misha turns out to be Mikhail Allakhverdov, a person
    of mixed Armenian and Ukrainian parentage. Certainly he has inherited
    his red beard from his Ukrainian ancestry. Then why is his Armenian
    parentage thrust into the news media and not the Ukrainian? What
    is inconceivable with Misha is that his family was persecuted as
    Christians in Muslim Azerbaijan and he seems to be among the 400,000
    Armenians who were either murdered or deported from Baku and Sumgait.

    And then, one needs a psychologist's genius to understand that
    after arriving in a free country, he decided to convert to the
    Islamic religion of his persecutors. And as if that was not enough,
    he acquired the power to radicalize actual, practicing Muslims.

    All these incredible factors are being used to cover his main purpose
    and activity. Indeed, Walter Katz in The Week suggests that Misha
    may have been "an FBI informant" who started grooming Tamerlan for a
    sting operation before giving up [prematurely]." As we can see, Misha
    is also a character in the shadowy underworld, pursuing a mischievous
    mission turned sour. We can speculate on any potential goal; perhaps
    Tamerlan was being groomed to be involved in one of the Mr. Fuller's
    operations in the Caucasus, and like Osama Bin Laden before him,
    he turned against his handlers. That is one of the possibilities.

    As bombing victims and their families suffer, no one has an interest
    in digging further to find where the network of conspiracy against
    Armenians leads.

    As Armenians we may air our anger for being hurled into this tragedy,
    but our resources are limited for damage control. Therefore, beyond
    saving the Armenian name, must we also worry about Armenia itself
    caught in this complex crossfire?
