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Expert: Migration Service Of Azerbaijan Keeps The Number Of People W

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  • Expert: Migration Service Of Azerbaijan Keeps The Number Of People W


    7:36 02/05/2013 " SOCIETY

    According to observations the number of people objecting to receive
    citizenship in Azerbaijan is more than those who want to receive it,
    Alovsat Aliyev, chairman of the Azerbaijan Migration Center, stated
    as the Azerbaijani information agency Salamnews reports.

    According to him, the State Migration Service of Azerbaijan keeps
    in secret the figures of how many people refused to receive the
    citizenship of the Republic, at the time, when in all other countries
    this statistic is open.

    "Currently, citizens of Azerbaijan often choose Turkey, Ukraine,
    Russia or Kazakhstan as a second homeland. In this case, there is no
    need to give up one of the citizenships and receive another one. It
    is therefore very difficult to tell what the trend of the refusal
    and adoption of Azerbaijani citizenship today is," said the human
    rights activist.

    Aliyev also stressed that there are also such people who refused to
    get citizenship of Azerbaijan, but was unable to obtain citizenship
    of another country as well. 30 people who faced a similar problem
    turned to the Azerbaijani Migration Center during the current year.

    "In order not to have these people fallen under the definition of
    "stateless person", the Azerbaijani government should immediately
    take them back and issue identification cards. However, we do not
    have such a practice yet," said Aliyev.

    Aliyev noted that recently in the Turkish edition of "Sabah" an
    article was published which reported that 15,604 Azerbaijani citizens
    had received citizenship of Turkey.

    As a result of a major migration from Azerbaijan to Russia, in the
    period of the censuses between 1989 and 2010 in Russia the number of
    the Azerbaijani almost doubled. At the same time, the experts believe
    that the official census does not reflect the real picture and the
    total number of Azerbaijanis in Russia is approximately 2.5 million.

    It is noteworthy that on the 5th of July, 2012 the head of the
    Azerbaijani State Committee of Diaspora Affairs Nazim Ibrahimov had
    stated that 2.5 million Azerbaijanis inhabit in Russia. Accordingly,
    Azerbaijan's population is less than 2.5 million, official statistics
    of which practically does not consider the migration.

    Most migrants from Azerbaijan arrived in Russia in 1990s; however, the
    flow of migrants from the republic did not reduce in recent years. So,
    in October 2011 the deputy head of the department of employment in
    Russia Ivan Shubailov noted that Azerbaijan ranks the third after
    Ukraine and Uzbekistan by labor migrants in Russia. According to a
    nationwide survey, which was conducted by the sociological service ADAM
    in Azerbaijan, more than 62% of the population wants to permanently
    or temporarily leave the country.

    In February 2011, the head of the Federal Migration Service of Russia
    Konstantin Romodanovskiy stated that 500,000 migrants left Azerbaijan
    for Russia in 2011. Note that most of these workers do not officially
    draw up his residency, and therefore their registration is somewhat
    difficult. As for the people who are registered, according to the
    State Statistics Committee, 22 306 citizens of Azerbaijan moved to
    Russia in 2011, and 1,244 people left from Russia to Azerbaijan. The
    negative migration balance in Azerbaijan amounted to 21,062 people.

