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Guess Who Found the Red-Bearded Exorcist That 'Brainwashed' Tamerlan

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  • Guess Who Found the Red-Bearded Exorcist That 'Brainwashed' Tamerlan

    Guess Who Found the Red-Bearded Exorcist That 'Brainwashed' Tamerlan Tsarnaev

    The Atlantic
    April 28, 2013

    by Adam Clark Estes

    Last week, we learned about a curious character named "Misha," who was
    described by the media as a red-bearded radical Muslim who performed
    exorcisms and evidently mentored the Boston bombing suspects. The FBI
    obviously wanted to talk to this guy, and they have. Authorities
    stopped short of identifying him, so journalists have been
    sleuthing. You'll never guess who found him.

    The New York Review of Books, typically the place to catch up on some
    literary criticism rather than breaking news, scooped everyone on
    Sunday night. It tracked down Misha, whose real name is Mikhail
    Allakhverdov, living with his parents in a run down area of Rhode
    Island. And as any sane person would, he doesn't want anything to do
    with the late Tamerlan Tsarnaev or his brother Dzhokhar, who remains
    in custody as the chief suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing and
    subsequent madness. "I wasn't his teacher," Allakhverdov told NYR. "If
    I had been his teacher, I would have made sure he never did anything
    like this."

    Well, this isn't what Tsarnaev's family said. The brothers' ever
    press-friendly uncle Ruslan Tsarni told CNN that this Misha character
    "just took his brain." He said, "He just brainwashed him completely."
    However, we now know that Tamerlan brain was prime for washing. The
    26-year-old Islamist was into all kinds of conspiracy theories and as
    a regular listener of Alex Jones's tin foil hat radio talk show
    Infowars. Why uncle Ruslan blames it all on Misha is a mystery, but
    apparently, the red-bearded exorcist isn't that interesting to
    authorities either. Allakhaverdov said the FBI is about to close his
