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Yerevan Mayoral Election Could Be The Most Shameful Election Ever

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  • Yerevan Mayoral Election Could Be The Most Shameful Election Ever

    Yerevan Mayoral Election Could Be The Most Shameful Election Ever

    Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov is the head of the Republican
    campaign headquarters, so he, as well as the head of the Central
    Electoral Commission is responsible for the shameful conduct of the
    local election.

    Most probably, a decision was made to return to the tough methods
    after the presidential election when Raffi Hovannisian unexpectedly
    received 37%, and Serzh Sargsyan lost the election in a number of

    After the parliamentary election the RPA had to give up the method of
    vote buying through their local representatives because the
    representatives either misappropriated the money or the voters
    accepted the money but voted for others. They tried to get back the
    money from their local representatives.

    During the presidential election a `civilized' money method was used.
    They gave money to people who stuffed ballots. However, this tactics
    was not effective either because in most polling stations the proxies,
    observers, even members of commissions did not allow ballot stuffing.

    Now they have apparently decided to reapply the good old method of
    buying a vote at the entry of the polling station on the condition
    that the voter proves which candidate he or she voted for.

    Transparency International Anti-Corruption Center has made a map of
    violations, and the map is already covered with tags. TI has been
    active in Armenia. Videos were produced which display the nature of
    corrupt property of Armenian officials. It has even applied to the
    Prosecutor General's Office demanding to check the legality of the
    property of the head of SRC Gagik Khachatryan. Before the election
    this organization collected signatures for a petition to publish
    voters' lists after the elections. After the elections TI and some of
    its partners will dispute the results of elections.

    This election could be the most shameful election in the history of
    Armenia. Hundreds of reports of electoral fraud have been received
    since morning. In the result, however, it will become known that the
    irregularities have not affected the final outcome.

    Naira Hayrumyan
    16:53 05/05/2013
    Story from News:
