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Defamed Armenian Americans In Wake Of Boston Bombings Must Seek Full

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  • Defamed Armenian Americans In Wake Of Boston Bombings Must Seek Full


    SATURDAY, 4 MAY 2013
    USA Armenian Life #1362 --

    By Appo Jabarian/Armenian Life USA

    On April 30, several days after blatantly and massively defaming
    Armenian Americans and causing monumental damages, Mr. Ruslan Tsarni,
    uncle of the suspected April 15 Boston Marathon bombers Tamerlan
    Tsarnaev and Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, reportedly contacted the Armenian
    Mirror-Spectator to issue an apology to the Armenian community for
    "his recent statements referencing Armenians in his discussions of the
    Boston bombings. 'Armenia has a very strong culture, therefore, I want
    to stress that his [an Armenian convert to Islam (Misha's)] ethnicity
    has nothing to do with it,' Tsarni said. 'I wish I had never said it.

    ... I felt for you [Armenians] and wish I had never done it,'"

    Anti-Armenian accusations by Uncle Tsarni were heralded from the
    'rooftops' of major U.S. media organizations but his apologies were
    whispered into Armenian American ears.

    If Mr. Tsarni is genuinely sorry for his defamatory actions
    against Armenian Americans, he should remedy his initial defamatory
    anti-Armenian media blitz that reached hundreds of millions of viewers
    and readers worldwide with a new media campaign acknowledging his grave
    mistake, and repeat his apology via the same mainstream media outlets.

    On April 20, addressing several major media outlets regarding the April
    15 Boston bombings, Mr. Tsarni had falsely claimed: "This person just
    took his (Tamerlan's) brain. He just brainwashed him completely.

    ... There is a person, some new convert into Islam of Armenian

    Ironically Mr. Tsarni chose peculiar timing - just few days before
    April 24, to character assassinate an entire community. April 24 is the
    day of each year when millions of Armenians worldwide mourn the death
    of one and one half million compatriots at the hands of Turkey carried
    out during the 1915-1923 Turkish Genocide of Christian Armenians.

    Mr. Tsarni's false anti-Armenian accusations via major U.S. media
    outlets went viral to the detriment of innocent Armenians who were
    being subjected to media-led attack on Armenian image and identity. It
    remains to be seen which media outlets will come clean by correcting
    own grave errors.

    Certain U.S. media outlets chose to amplify Mr. Tsarni's false
    accusations unfairly singling out the ethnicity of an "Armenian Misha,"
    when in fact Misha turned out to born in Baku, Azerbaijan coming from
    half-Armenian and half-Ukrainian ethnic background.

    Misha's complete name was reported to be Mikhail Allakhverdov -
    a 39-year-old man.

    Upon confirmation, mentioning the nationality of a suspect in a news
    report is fair. But to single out the ethnicity of one suspect and
    not all the suspects is an act of discrimination. The ethnicity of
    all suspects should be either declared or withheld.

    As of press time Thursday May 2, a Google search with the words
    '"Boston bombers" Armenian' turned out about 144,000 results. Based
    on basic conversion formula each result is either a webpage of text,
    blogs, or videos associating the word "Armenian" with the Boston
    bombings can reach approximately 800-1000 internet users. So the
    total audience reached via internet can be estimated anywhere from
    115 to 144 million. This is Google alone.

    The combined TV audience size reached by CNN, Fox, MSNBC, ABC, CBS,
    NBC and a host of other TV outlets with national and international
    viewership; and print media such as Wall Street Journal, New York Times
    and Washington Post can be estimated to have surpassed additional tens
    of millions. Undoubtedly the damage suffered by Armenians is gigantic.

    Obviously Mr. Tsarni had a field day by abusing the 'opportunity'
    given to him by mainstream U.S. media to tarnish the entire Armenian
    American community that is totally unrelated with the case.

    In response to Uncle Ruslan's false claims, the very first public
    reaction on a large-scale came on April 22 from Harut Sassounian,
    Publisher of The California Courier who condemned Mr. Tsarni's false
    accusation linking "Armenian to Boston bombings."

    He publicly condemned those reaching speculative conclusions: "Instead
    of jumping to unwarranted conclusions and making generalizations about
    Chechens, Muslims, and the Tsarnaev family, some probing questions
    are in order."

    He added: "Tsarni, the talkative uncle of the Tsarnaev brothers,
    who made controversial and contradictory comments disseminated
    worldwide ...

    has had direct ties to western energy companies involved in the Caspian
    region. He has worked for Big Sky Energy, Golden Eagle Partners, and
    Nelson Resources Ltd., all three with direct investments in Caspian
    Sea energy projects. Could Tsarni's ties to these energy companies
    explain his accusation against an Armenian?"

    He went on to ask several key questions. Then he concluded: "Why
    hasn't a single Armenian organization or official complained to the
    news media about their dissemination of Tsarni's baseless and libelous
    statements, accusing an Armenian for radicalizing Tamerlan? ... It is
    high time that Armenians form an anti-defamation organization that
    would vigorously pursue all those who libel and defame them around
    the world."

    The second public reaction via mass media came on Apr 25, when
    prominent Armenian-American attorney Mark Geragos went on CNN setting
    that and other media outlets straight on Boston marathon bomber
    coverage alleging an Armenian connection. Geragos blasted Mr. Tsarni
    on CNN, suggesting that "somebody needs to give this uncle a field
    sobriety test, because I think this guy is under the influence of
    something," expressing his furor over Tsarni's linking the Boston
    bombers to an 'Armenian Misha.'

    An official one-paragraph response came from ANCA on April 24. The
    statement was circulated mainly via social media such as Facebook
    saying "Any reading of the basic standards of journalistic integrity
    would require that media outlets produce actual substantiated
    evidence of an Armenian connection before continuing to run unproven
    allegations. If such a person does, in fact, exist, journalists
    and their editors should focus on getting the facts, not simply
    re-circulating accusations without disclaimers regarding their
    credibility, relevant cultural and religious context, or any scrutiny
    of the possible motives of the accusers."

    To their credit, hundreds of Armenian and non-Armenian bloggers
    countered Tsarni's false claims.

    On April 25, Edmond Y. Azadian of the Armenian Mirror-Spectator
    wrote: "It seems that in this tense moment the Turkish and Azeri
    disinformation services have played their dirty roles to deflect the
    attention from the main case and float the Armenian name in the media,
    knowing full well that once the damage is done to the Armenian image,
    a million retractions and apologies cannot undo that damage. ... It
    is beyond comprehension how the Armenian name was injected into
    this conversation about Chechen alleged terrorists. ... The repeated
    emphasis, seemingly without any reason, that the man who essentially
    lit the fuses of the two impressionable Chechen men was Russian,
    without his name being revealed, seems to indicate a tall tale,
    rather than express the true starting point of this cancer."

    In a May 2 follow-up article titled "Moles, Informants and Double
    Agents In Boston Marathon Bombings," Sassounian wrote: "The next
    suspicious character is Uncle Ruslan who has accused 'Misha the
    Armenian' of having a powerful influence over Tamerlan. Ruslan himself
    has had a checkered past, having worked for USAID and several Caspian
    Sea energy companies, while married to Samantha Ankara Fuller,
    daughter of Graham Fuller, a retired top CIA official. Because of
    Ruslan's close relationship to the bombers' family, his employment
    with Central Asian oil companies including Halliburton, and marriage
    to the daughter of a high-ranking CIA official, some analysts have
    suggested that the enigmatic uncle warrants a closer look."

    Armenian Americans should weigh their legal options and must seek
    full remedy for their defamed image to restore their reputation as
    a peaceful and productive community.
