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Russia Extends Cyprus's Financial Loan

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  • Russia Extends Cyprus's Financial Loan


    12:24 ~U 07.05.13

    Russia is extending the maturity and reducing the interest on its loan
    to Cyprus, a document prepared by international lenders has shown,
    according to the Guardian.

    Russia's agreement provides additional, though expected, financial
    relief to the island on top of a bailout by the EU and the
    International Monetary Fund.

    Cyprus has complied with all conditions set by international lenders
    for the first ~@3bn (£2.5bn) of the ~@10bn bailout to flow to Nicosia
    later in May, according to the document, drawn up by the troika,
    consisting of the European Central Bank, the European Commission and
    the IMF, on 30 April.

    Russia lent Cyprus [email protected] in 2011 for five years, at an annual
    interest rate of 4.5%. Extending the loan and reducing the interest
    will ease debt-servicing costs for Nicosia and help it regain financial

    The document said: "Reassurance has also been obtained from the Cypriot
    authorities that formal agreement has been reached between the Republic
    of Cyprus and the Russian Federation on an extension by two years of
    the maturity for the Russian loan, which will be reimbursed as of 2018,
    and a reduction of the interest rate from 4.5% to 2.5%."

    Cyprus secured a three-year bailout from the eurozone's bailout fund
    and the IMF last month, becoming the fifth country in the single
    currency area to seek eurozone financial help as a result of the
    sovereign debt crisis.

    "All prior actions are now compliant both on substance and on
    procedure," the document said.

    Armenian News -

    From: Baghdasarian