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Matenadaran Gets First Armenian Language Printed Bible

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  • Matenadaran Gets First Armenian Language Printed Bible


    May 8, 2013 - 16:37 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - The collection of old-print manuscripts at
    Matenadaran, the Depository of Ancient Manuscripts, has been enriched
    with a unique exemplar of the first Armenian language printed Bible.

    The Bible by Voskan Yerevantsi, a volume of unique value, was printed
    in 1666 in Amsterdam. This stunning sample of book art has for years
    been part of a private collection and was brought to Yerevan thanks
    to the donation made by VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian.

    The volume is of particular cultural and historical importance:
    Voskan Yerevantsi had presented it to Catholicos Hakob Jughayetsi,
    one of the most active proponents of the development of Armenian
    typography. In 1668 the Bible was decorated with a silver cover,
    a unique example of the Armenian iconographic arts.

    The cover was made by a representative of the Erzrum School, one of
    the famous centers of the Armenian silversmith art. The face of the
    cover depicts a scene of Annunciation and the back of the cover holds
    a picture of the Resurrection. The opening part of the book depicts
    the four evangelists and their symbols.

    "Probably, I won't be exaggerating, if I say that Matenadaran has
    the same symbolic meaning to us that the biblical Ararat has. It is
    a sacred place that best characterizes our nation. Armenians' love
    for the writing and the literature knows no bounds. Even the menace
    of physical extermination could never hold back the people who fought
    for its honor and existence from saving books often at the expense of
    own life. The Armenian people have expressed their pain through music,
    art and prayer and have saved their culture. I am happy to be useful
    to Matenadaran with my modest contribution," Mr. Yirikian commented.

    He also donated to Matenadaran another two Bibles from his personal
    library. One of the Bibles was dated 1854, and the age of the other
    Bible is still to be determined by specialists.
