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Despite Denial, Turks And Kurds Remember Armenian Genocide, Says Rep

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  • Despite Denial, Turks And Kurds Remember Armenian Genocide, Says Rep

    DESPITE DENIAL, TURKS AND KURDS REMEMBER ARMENIAN GENOCIDE, SAYS REPARATIONS SCHOLAR - VIDEO n=65927e428d-AUA_Insider_May_20135_7_2013&utm_medium=email&utm_ term=0_6c3c4333d4-65927e428d-60502357


    YEREVAN-The Turkish Government is denying a genocide its own population
    remembers, according to Dr. Ugur Umit Ungör, who spoke via simulcast
    from the Netherlands on May 2, 2013 during the American University
    of Armenia's (AUA) annual commemorative talk on the Armenian Genocide.

    Dr. Ungör's colloquium, titled "Lost in Commemoration: The Armenian
    Genocide in Memory and Identity," explored the dichotomy between
    Turkey's official state history and popular social memory.

    "Yes it is true that Turkey is denying the genocide, but it is the
    Turkish state that is denying the genocide," said Dr. Ungör, speaking
    from the Netherlands, where he works as the director of graduate
    studies at Amsterdam's Institute for War, Holocaust, and Genocide
    Studies. "I think that Turkish society knows about the Genocide,
    that they acknowledge the Genocide, and finally that a lot of people
    have memories about the Genocide. It should be a task of researchers
    to unearth and expose these memories."

    In his remarks, Dr. Ungör deconstructed the phenomenon of Turkish
    denial, from its Young Turk origins to its evolution into an official
    state policy, seeking to reconstruct a new national memory, minus
    the crime and its victims.

    Dr. Ungör peeled away at Turkey's complex social fabric, revealing
    multiple conflicting national narratives about the Armenian Genocide.

    He examined the unofficial policies implemented by the Young Turk
    regime during World War I and the subsequent development of an
    official state policy by successive Turkish governments. He then
    compared the narrative taught in schools, promoted in academia,
    and projected through foreign policy to a very different reality on
    the ground in eastern Turkey, where many Turks and Kurds hold vivid
    memories about the crime.

    In his conclusion, Dr. Ungör underscored the Turkish government's
    failure to completely eradicate the memory of the Genocide from the
    lands and people it administers.

    In remarks introducing Dr. Ungör, AUA President Dr. Bruce Boghosian
    discussed the continuing evolution of discourse about the Armenian
    Genocide, explaining that it is moving away from being regarding
    as an isolated historical event, and toward being understood as an
    ongoing historical process.

    "A genocide can not properly be considered over until it is no
    longer denied," said Dr. Boghosian. "The Armenian Genocide has the
    dubious distinction of being one of the longest denied, and hence,
    longest continuing genocidal episodes in modern human history. From
    this perspective it should not be considered the Armenian Genocide of
    1915-1923, it should be considered the Armenian Genocide of 1915-2013
    and counting."

    Dr. Ungör is the author of Confiscation and Destruction: The Young
    Turk Seizure of Armenian Property, which is a detailed accounting of
    all the property seized from Armenians during the Genocide to create
    the modern state of Turkey. He is also the author of the award-winning
    book The Making of Modern Turkey: Nation and State in Eastern Anatolia,
    1913-1950, which examines the process of social engineering, mass
    violence and genocide the Young Turks and their Republican successors
    utilized as they tried to create a homogeneous Turkey. He is currently
    working on a book on paramilitaries in comparative perspective.

    Founded in 1991, the American University of Armenia (AUA) is a
    private, independent university located in Yerevan, Armenia and
    affiliated with the University of California. AUA provides a global
    education in Armenia and the region, offering high-quality, graduate
    and undergraduate studies, encouraging civic engagement, and promoting
    public service and democratic values.

    From: A. Papazian