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ISTANBUL: What if eight Germans had been killed in Turkey?

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  • ISTANBUL: What if eight Germans had been killed in Turkey?

    Today's Zaman, Turkey
    May 8 2013

    What if eight Germans had been killed in Turkey?

    When Hrant Dink, a Turkish citizen of Armenian descent, was killed in
    the street in the middle of Ä°stanbul in 2007, everyone knew almost
    immediately that it was one of the political killings similar to
    examples Turkey was accustomed to.

    For decades, the Turkish deep state, which includes but is probably
    not limited to the clandestine Ergenekon network, committed numerous
    killings of influential and controversial people in society to foment
    chaos in the country. And to a great extent it was successful. Thanks
    to a pleasant coincidence (!), political killings have stopped with
    the revealing and imprisoning of the Ergenekon network.

    Unfortunately, no Ergenekon trial will bring Hrant Dink back. When the
    assassin, a 17-year-old teenager from the Black Sea city of Trabzon,
    which has many nationalists, was captured, everyone assumed that the
    killing could not be limited to a teenager, that he was in fact
    exploited by other actors. Although some of his wider connections came
    to the fore during the trial period, the court's verdict was a huge
    disappointment in the name of justice. Despite evidence to the
    contrary, the court decided that no criminal organization was
    responsible for the killing of Dink. Expectedly, no one who has lived
    in Turkey long enough bought the argument.

    When I saw the member of the Nationalism Socialist Underground (NSU),
    a neo-Nazi terrorist organization which has killed eights Turks, a
    Greek and a German police officer in the last decade, Zschäpe enter
    the courtroom in a surprisingly comfortable manner, it immediately
    reminded me of the murderer of Hrant Dink. I can assume safely that I
    am not alone in the belief that the NSU case, which started on May 6,
    will end up in the punishment of a few people without discovering the
    deeper roots it seems to have in the German society or state. It is
    not that I suspect a German deep state simply because we have one in
    Turkey. During the NSU investigation, it turned out that some federal
    officials had destroyed documents related to the neo-Nazi organization
    in 2011.

    The NSU case gives Germany a chance to face with any clandestine
    organization that it might be fostering. In Dink's case, Turkey was
    unable to deliver justice completely and gain the trust of its
    minorities, but Germany still has the opportunity to prove to around
    three million Turks in Germany that the lives of people with Turkish
    origin are as valuable as its ethnically German citizens.

    Disappointingly enough, the NSU case and the relative disinterest of
    the Turkish media in the trial has shown that the lives of Turkish
    immigrants do not matter that much to Turks either.

    God forbid, what if eight Germans were killed by racist motives in
    Turkey? Not only would international media judge Turkey harshly far
    before the trial, but the Turkish media would also cover the event
    much more broadly than the NSU case. It is painful to admit, but
    probably due to a self-Orientalist mindset, the lives of Westerners
    are deemed more worthy of attention than regular Turkish citizens,
    even by Turks themselves.

    Nothing can undo the injustice done to people who are killed only
    because of their race. However, if and when the Turkish state at the
    highest possible level, the Turkish media and Turks who are supposed
    to be a part of Germany adopt the NSU case and follow it up closely,
    the pains of the victims' families could be eased.

    More importantly, if the NSU verdict satisfies the conscience of the
    public, Germany could become a more equal society in the eyes of its
    immigrants, who have long felt as the stepchildren of their host

    From: Baghdasarian