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Assyria: NSW Parliament Passes Motion On Recognition Of Assyrian And

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  • Assyria: NSW Parliament Passes Motion On Recognition Of Assyrian And

    UNPO - Unrepresented Nations & Peoples Organization
    May 8 2013

    Assyria: NSW Parliament Passes Motion On Recognition Of Assyrian And
    Greek Genocides

    The result of a two-year collective effort by the Assyrian Universal
    Alliance of Australia, the Armenian National Committee of Australia
    and the Australian Hellenic Council of NSW in pursuit of the
    recognition of the Assyrian, Greek and Armenian Genocides finally
    leads to the unanimous passing of a motion of acknowledgment of such
    genocides by the NSW Parliament.

    Below is the Press Release published by the Assyrian Universal Alliance:

    Today, Wednesday 8 May 2013, in a historic move, The Hon Barry
    O'Farrell MP, Premier of NSW, rose in the NSW Parliament, Legislative
    Assembly (The Lower House) to move a motion calling for the
    recognition of the Assyrian, Armenian and Greek Genocides. The motion
    was passed unanimously.

    The recognition came after a week when a similar motion tabled by the
    Hon. Fred Nile MLC, President of the Australian Christian Party was
    passed unanimously in the upper house.

    This was a result of combined efforts by the Assyrian Universal
    Alliance of Australia, the Armenian National Committee of Australia
    and the Australian Hellenic Council of NSW. The three organisations
    conducted a number of meetings in the past two years with members of
    parliament pursuing support for recognition of the Assyrian, Greek and
    Armenian Genocides.

    Mr Hermiz Shahen, The Deputy secretary General of the Assyrian
    Universal Alliance said, `The Assyrian people have fallen victim to
    the genocide against Christians in the Ottoman empire and its
    aftermaths, and today is facing state sponsored denial and truth
    distorting, re-writing of history by the Turkish authorities..... This
    recognition will help our Assyrian nation and its organisations in
    their attempt to strengthen our national existence in the homeland as
    well as in the diaspora. It will help our nation to find its rightful
    place among the nations of the world and to creatively make its
    special contribution to the universal development of mankind.'

    Mr Shahen also thanked The Hon Barry O'Farrell MP, Premier of NSW for
    tabling this motion, Mr John Robertson, MP, Leader of the Opposition
    for supporting the motion, and for all those esteemed members of NSW
    Legislative Assembly who backed the motion.

    Let justice be done, souls consoled, broken hearts mended, nations
    reconciled, and honour given to all those who perished so needlessly
    during a dark hour in mankind's recent history.

    The motion was as follow:

    Legislative Assembly

    Notice of Motion

    I give notice that this House:

    a) notes that on 17 April 1997 this House recognised and condemned the
    Genocide of the Armenians by the then Ottoman Government between
    1915 and 1922 and designated 24 April of every year thereafter as a
    day of remembrance of the 1.5 million Armenians who fell victim to the
    first genocide of the twentieth century,

    b) recognises that Assyrians and Greeks were subjected to qualitatively
    similar genocides by the then Ottoman Government between 1915 and

    c) reaffirms its condemnation of the genocide of the Assyrians, Armenians
    and Greeks, and all other acts of genocide as the ultimate act of

    d) recognises the importance of remembering and learning from such
    dark chapters in human history to ensure that such crimes against
    humanity are not allowed to be repeated,

    e) acknowledges and pays tribute to the contribution of the ANZAC
    servicemen who aided the survivors of the genocide, and

    f) acknowledges the significant humanitarian relief contribution made
    by the people of New South Wales to the victims and survivors of the

