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What Will Result From Upcoming "Favorable" Years

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  • What Will Result From Upcoming "Favorable" Years

    What Will Result From Upcoming "Favorable" Years

    Serzh Sargsyan stated during the meeting of government that the
    electoral period is over, and since 2008 this is the most favorable
    period for effective performance. He considered the electoral period
    successful but expected very specific results from the government.

    The electoral period was successful for the government because an
    absolute victory was achieved at all the levels. During this period
    Serzh Sargsyan was able to neutralize the political field and make it
    comply with the rules of his game with one configuration or another.
    At the Special Investigative Service Sargsyan conveyed to the public
    administration system that everyone must be his stooge.

    The first term of Serzh Sargsyan's administration did not achieve any
    result in terms of public life and solution of actual problems. The
    logic of the first term was the reshuffle, while the global crisis and
    the heritage of the previous government was offered as a

    Leaving the composition of the government the same, Serzh Sargsyan
    showed that either he does not control the situation or he is likely
    to continue along the same path. The second is more probable because
    the only new statement of the new government was about rise of
    pensions and salaries. They may boost pensions and salaries because
    the new tax package enables scribing additional revenues off the SMEs.
    No new concept and economic policy was declared, which means that the
    policy of the previous term will continue. This policy was not aimed
    at ensuring a favorable business climate, competitive market and equal
    opportunities in Armenia, reduction of tax avoidance, reforms in the
    faulty economic system. The oligopolies exist and have become
    stronger, monopolies have emerged in `intellectual' branches of the
    economy. Mines, banks and imports remain priorities with their former
    nature and structure.

    There is one more circumstance which testifies that the `new'
    government will continue in accordance with the previous term. Even
    though Serzh Sargsyan announces about the most favorable period,
    2017-2018 is the next period of national elections, and Serzh Sargsyan
    will have to think about transfer of power. The activities of the
    government will be aimed at this.

    Perhaps the only positive output of Serzh Sargsyan's first term is the
    neutralization of the political field and political forces, especially
    the opposition. The Armenian political class is a buffer for the
    criminal oligarchic groups. On the one hand, it performed the role of
    a political sign, on the other hand, the role of neutralizing the
    rights of the society.

    Now that this buffer has been removed, the society is ridding of
    illusions created by the opposition, the alternative, the government
    that someone will come and resolve its problems. There are two vivid
    examples. The first is in one of the regions of Ararat where the
    village people destroyed the orchard of the head of the village who
    had falsified the election. The second is the small village of Martz
    in Lori region which fights heroically against the construction of the
    water power plant.

    This is the way when the society deliberated from illusions and
    falsehood takes its destiny in its hands. Unfortunately, it is a
    little late but better late than never. When the country lacks a
    government in the direct sense of the word, when the political class
    is a group of criminals and traders, there are two ways, emigrate or
    resist. Unfortunately, the first dominates and is encouraged by the
    government and the opposition but the second is infectious.

    The government has felt the real danger, and in the upcoming
    `favorable years' the society will witness the next RPA-PAP clownery
    with an ANC-ARF garnish. However, the society has gained a good
    quality over these years. It mocks `serious' politicians.

    Haik Aramyan
    16:54 10/05/2013
    Story from News:
