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In Search Of Effective Deterrence

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  • In Search Of Effective Deterrence


    by Aram Avetisyan

    April 16, 2013

    The recent threats of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un about attacks
    against the U.S. and its ally South Korea continues to be a source of
    global concern. A new wave of aggressive rhetoric elevated tensions
    to a high level in the South Asian region, including a risk of nuclear
    strikes. Regardless how serious those threats may be, they do threaten
    stability and regional security, leading to escalation and increasing
    possibility of war.

    The irresponsible and unpredictable North Korean totalitarian regime
    continuously uses escalating rhetoric as a political instrument
    blackmailing the world. The aggressive rhetoric and threats of new war
    have become more pronounced since the young dictator of North Korea,
    Kim Jong Un, came to power after the death of his father in 2012.

    American and international figures have reacted. U.S. Secretary
    of State John Kerry called Pyongyang's threats of military action
    against South Korea and the United States "provocative, dangerous and
    reckless." U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (originally from South
    Korea) described the North Korean behavior as being on a "collision
    course with the international community". Condemnations came from
    many other countries as well.

    At the other side of Asia, in Azerbaijan, another dictator who
    also inherited power from his father, Ilham Aliev, continuously
    uses bellicose rhetoric and threatening to restart a war against
    its neighboring Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh. Aliyev and his regime
    are known as one of the most corrupted in the world.[1] Fueled by
    revenues from oil production, Aliyev and family have stashed their
    cash in the offshore zones.[2]

    Like North Korea's, Azerbaijan's warmongering should not be
    ignored since a new war in the South Caucasus could also turn quite
    catastrophic. Taking into consideration the arms build-up launched by
    Azerbaijan and its continuing weapons accumulation, a new war could
    devastate a whole region and cause dire humanitarian consequences
    for all sides of the conflict.

    If the international community desires peace and stability in the
    South Caucasus, it should take Azerbaijan to task for North Korean
    style rhetoric. Azerbaijan's Aliev should as also stop his hate
    rhetoric, and prepare his country for peace by ruling out military
    solutions and refraining from threats to use force as urged by the
    United States and the rest of international community.[3] Otherwise,
    while brandishing their arms, dictators of all kinds will continue to
    blackmail the world while seeking to keep their compatriots captive
    in their dictatorial systems.


    [1] Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP),
    "OCCRP Names Aliyev "Person Of The Year", December 31, 2012:

    [2] "Offshore Companies
    Link Corporate Mogul, Azerbaijan's President", RFR/RL, April 04, 2013: ion_types=og.recommends&fb_source=timeline_og&acti on_object_map=%7B%22508187335906797%22%3A481670968 554894%7D&action_type_map=%7B%22508187335906797%22 %3A%22og.recommends%22%7D&action_ref_map=%5B%5D
    ; See also "Pricey real estate deals in Dubai raise questions
    about Azerbaijan's president", The Washington Post, March 5, 2010:

    [3] U.S. State Department, April 8, 2013:
    See also: OSCE Minsk Group, Statement by the Heads of Delegation
    of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries, December 6, 2012:

    Aram Avetisyan holds Master degree in Public Policy from George Mason
    University. He is a former fellow of Kennan Institute of Woodrow
    Wilson International Center, Washington DC. Avetisyan also contributes
    to the work of the Washington-based Americans for Artsakh NGO. He is
    interested in public policy, governance and conflict resolution. Aram
    Avetisyan serves as Counselor at the Office of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    Republic in the United States (Washington DC).
