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Raffi and Armenouhi Hovannisian offer condolences over death o Civil

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  • Raffi and Armenouhi Hovannisian offer condolences over death o Civil

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    Raffi and Armenouhi Hovannisian offer condolences over death of
    Civilnet employee and his wife

    17:28 13/05/2013 » SOCIETY

    Raffi and Armenouhi Hovannisian offer their condolences over the death
    of Civilnet employee Allen Yekikian and his wife Sose Thomassian in a
    car accident, Raffi Hovannisian headquarters reports.

    `For the Family and Friends of Allen and Sose Hayastan and the World

    Vshtakits barekamner,

    He was, for our father, the finest of students and a true intellectual.

    He was, for our son, a compatriot and friend and fellow soldier.

    He was, for us the humble guides of his generation, a reminder of why
    we ourselves had moved to Armenia once upon a time.

    He came, as we had come, for love and for struggle.

    Allen Yekikian and Sose Thomassian were married in Armenia, and
    together they believed that they were going to make it in the
    Homeland. They believed, to the very end, that Armenia was going to
    make it.

    As we ask God, in our hallowed tradition, to illuminate their united
    soul, we bear our heartfelt share in this terrible loss for the
    Nation. We shall continue, in Allen's and Sose's name, to love and to
    struggle for making Armenia the one and only of their dreams.

    We are so obliged.

    Miasin misht,

    Raffi and Armenouhi K. Hovannisian'

