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Why Respect Samvel Alexanyan?

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  • Why Respect Samvel Alexanyan?

    Why Respect Samvel Alexanyan?

    European months are awaiting Armenia. In May our country will take up
    the chairmanship of the Council of Europe, which will smoothly pass to
    pre-signing of the Association Agreement with the EU.

    The process is accelerated, and out of political purposes the European
    Union recommends serious changes which do not seem realistic for half
    a year. Not legislation approximation is meant. Change of worldview
    and approaches is meant.

    Association is not membership but a free trade area is already common
    economic approaches. How will Armenia stand the tough competition that
    will start in half a year? Is Samvel Alexanyan ready to give up his
    position in FMCG imports? Is the economy of Armenia ready to appear in
    a huge market with different rules?

    The deputy president of the Republican Party Galust Sahakyan says we
    should respect Samvel Alexanyan who has created 25,000 jobs. But how
    does Samvel Alexanyan make money in Armenia, what new things has he
    created? All he does is to import to Armenia and resell goods three
    times more expensively.

    In the new situation, especially if Europe and the United States set
    up the Atlantic free trade area, those will survive the competition
    who will offer something new and creative. In Armenia they make money
    through the three traditional methods: production and sales of mines,
    imports and reselling, banks making money out of money. Nothing is
    produced, while exporters are the least protected.

    Therefore, foreign investors in Armenia are interested in these three:
    mines, imports and banks. We have not offered anything new, while with
    what we have we will immediately drown in the big European market.

    Together with the aspiration to Europe and the wish for
    standardization the Armenian government must also think on mechanisms
    for protecting Armenian producers. One year after association it may
    become known that local production has disappeared, mines are produced
    by the British, the banks will belong to others. Nobody will take any
    interest in farms, Nairit may continue working on Russian money and
    continue to pollute air.

    It is not worth galloping towards Europe as much as staying under
    Russia's umbrella. It is understood that Armenia cannot live in
    isolation but Armenia and Europe need Russia and Europe as much as
    they need Armenia. It is an opportunity to set our conditions, pursue
    our interests, especially if they produce something rather than do
    what used to be called speculation.

    Naira Hayrumyan
    15:03 13/05/2013
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