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New political party to form in Armenia?

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  • New political party to form in Armenia?

    New political party to form in Armenia?
    2013-05-13 14:25:19

    "I am confident that a new opposition will be formed in Armenia. In
    the political field there are healthy forces, personalities that
    during these years, kept their face, their "I". It seems to me that
    within the next 6 months or 1 year a similar force will be formed", a
    similar opinion was expressed at a meeting with journalists by freedom
    fighter, former member of the Armenian National Congress Sasun

    Leader of the "Democratic Homeland" Petros Makeyan also agrees with
    sasun Mikaelian.

    "I agree with Sasun Mikaelian, but I think that not a new power, but a
    new consolidation of forces will be formed.

    In fact, the recent parliamentary elections- presidential and
    municipal, showed that the administration did not make any findings
    and, of course, the only factor is nation, and the power which guides
    people, should be an opposition", in conversation with
    Makeyan said.

    "Sooner or later, this process will happen, and I think that what
    Raffi Hovannisian does now, is approximately the same idea. But I can
    not say whether this idea is embodied in life or not.

    Time and the course of events will show who will be the leader as some
    personal qualities are not sufficient, there are many elements that
    lead to this choice, and the politician has to meet many of the
    criteria," Petros Makeyan said.

    Makeyan also noted that members of the party "Democratic Homeland"
    will be next to the formed force, as the party has always been on the
    front line of the fight.
