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Mark Geragos Speaks at St. James Men's Club

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  • Mark Geragos Speaks at St. James Men's Club

    Mark Geragos Speaks at St. James Men's Club
    ARTS, COMMUNITY | MAY 14, 2013 4:40 PM
    By Nancy Kalajian

    Special to the Mirror-Spectator

    WATERTOWN - Attorney Mark Geragos, the featured speaker on Monday, May
    6, at the monthly dinner meeting of the Men's Club of St. James
    Armenian Church of Watertown, MA drew an audience of over 500 men and
    women. The noted criminal defense attorney spoke about his new book,
    Armenian heritage, current events and the successful lawsuits against
    New York Life Insurance and AXA Corp. for claims on insurance policies
    issued to Armenians before the Armenian Genocide.

    To help raise funds for their non-profit group, SOAR (the Society for
    Orphaned Armenian Relief) volunteers set up an informational booth and
    sold scores of copies of Mistrial: An Inside Look at How the Criminal
    Justice System Works...and Sometimes Doesn't, a new book co-authored by
    Mark Geragos and Pat Harris. Quite accommodating to guests queued up
    to have him autograph their books and pose for pictures, it looked as
    though Mr. Geragos was with his extended family and friends as he
    smiled, hugged, and warmly shook hands with an admiring fan club.

    Middlesex County Sherriff Peter Koutoujian served as the master of
    ceremonies during the program and in his introduction reflected on the
    recent Marathon bombings saying, `We were Boston, Watertown and
    Armenian strong.' He described SOAR as a group that provides
    humanitarian relief to orphan children in Armenia, and introduced
    George Yacubian, SOAR founder and National President, who spoke about
    its mission, accomplishments and growth from its creation in 2006 to
    current 37 chapters mainly in the USA but even reaching out to
    Yerevan, Moscow and Berlin. Garo Arakelian of the SOAR Boston chapter
    also spoke.

    After Mr. Koutoujian's introduction, the audience stood up to cheer
    Mark Geragos who quickly took to the podium giving credit to
    `Watertown as the original Glendale' and deflating self-interest,
    humorously wondering if the $12. dinner deal promoted by Bob Semonian
    (Chairman of the Speaker's Committee of the St. James Men's Club) was
    what attracted so many people to the Monday night dinner. From
    covering current events ranging from the Boston-Watertown area to
    those in California, he covered a lot of ground. He shared his
    thoughts on the mysterious Mischa - described by a relative of
    Marathon bombing suspects as an Armenian (Christian) who converted to
    Islam - and the insensitivity of such a statement coming to light
    during a time when Armenians commemorate the Armenian Genocide, and
    where so many Armenians live in Watertown where the bombing suspects
    were caught.

    As he grew up, Geragos was surprised how little people knew about the
    genocide. Geragos shared the influence of William Saroyan's meaningful
    words about Armenians that are printed in a poster in his office. On a
    personal level, he shared that his dad was also a lawyer. Seeming
    pretty down to earth and frank, he shared that on one occasion, he
    received a call to represent a certain person and came home and
    mentioned it to his daughter who explained who that well-known person
    was; it drives him crazy to be called a `celebrity lawyer.'

    Regarding recent lawsuits relating to insurance policies issued to
    Armenians before the Armenian Genocide, he described the great effort
    and steps involved in documenting the insured, finding heirs, and how
    one insurance company marketed to Armenians and Syrians; his research
    found that about 40 percent of policies issued to Armenians had no
    claims at all since no descendants were left.

    The word `genocide' is controversial, Gergaos stated, and he spoke
    about the importance of reparations. As he completed his talk,
    audience members gave him another standing ovation. During the
    question and answer period, he suggested a few ideas for creating
    awareness of Armenians and issues of importance: developing candidates
    for political office, and engaging the media.

    Many guests stayed long after the official program was over to engage
    in conversation and share their impressions of the night's guest
    speaker. `Mark Geragos is a leading advocate of the Armenian ethnic
    group. I don't think there's a finer representation of what our agenda
    should be on a larger scale; reparations should be our priority
    issue.' said Bob Avakian.

    George Khorikian concurred, `I feel proud to be an Armenian. It's good
    there is someone backing Armenian causes.'

    At 18, Ani Hollisian may have been one of the youngest people in the
    audience but as an aspiring lawyer, she was greatly impressed. ' I
    loved his speech. It was short and to the point. He didn't use lawyer
    jargon so it was easy to follow him. He fights for Armenian causes.'
    Attorney Richard Tarvezian agreed. `I was thoroughly impressed. He was
    entertaining, knowledgeable, and extremely competent. I'm proud to
    have him representing us.'

    Not only did this meeting have the largest attendance of any Men's
    Club dinner meeting ever held but the design of many food stations
    helped ensure that most guests didn't have to wait too long to eat a
    tasty traditional homemade losh and kheyma dinner with pilaf and
