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Diasporan Monitors Remain Positive Despite Widespread Election Irreg

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  • Diasporan Monitors Remain Positive Despite Widespread Election Irreg

    Diasporan Monitors Remain Positive Despite Widespread Election
    16:02, May 14, 2013

    *By Sara Anjargolian& Ursula Kazarian*

    As reports of irregularitiesduring the Yerevan Municipal election continue
    to make headlines in the media, members of a joint local-Diaspora
    monitoring team, which exceeded 100 people, are neverthelessoptimistic
    about the level of engagement and partnership between local organizations
    and Diaspora resources.

    The effort, which was the first of its kind, encouraged local monitors
    and provided a unique avenue of engagement for Diasporans. From the
    opening of the polls at 8am to the end of the vote count, which
    stretched well past midnight at many precincts, Diasporans stood
    alongside local monitors to deter fraud and to record any

    Each two-member team was equipped with video cameras and trained in their
    legal right under the Armenian Electoral Code to photograph and make video
    recordings. Specifically, the Diaspora team chose to deploy its monitors to
    what have become recognized as Yerevan's `hot spots,' in District 7
    (Sebastia-Malatia) and District 13 (Nubarashen), both of which are known to
    be heavily influenced and controlled by local oligarchs.


    Observed violations included threats of physical harm and damage to
    property; routine dismissal by election commission members of violations
    observed and reported by monitors; what appeared to be premeditated and
    organized chaos, aided by commission members, with the apparent intent to
    distract observers and/or to infringe on their right to film and photograph
    the proceedings; and an overwhelming number of "helpers"- people designated
    to assist those who may be physically unable to vote alone.

    "Helpers" are allowed under the Armenian Electoral Code; however, according
    to many local and Diasporan monitors, most of these "helpers" were not
    occasional individuals helping family members or friends, but instead
    arrived in parallel with busloads of mostly elderly voters as part of what
    appeared to be an orchestrated strategy.

    Diasporan repatriate Babken Der Grigorian, who was monitoring polling
    station 7/15 with his partner Paola Guevara, reported that more than 70
    `helpers' were registered to escort blind, disabled, or otherwise infirm
    voters at his polling place.

    At precinct 7/28, where Diasporan repatriates Pedro Zarokian and
    ArmenKupelian were stationed, individuals registered as `observers' under
    shell NGOs caused ongoing commotion and often obstructed the legitimate
    monitors' ability to record violations, some of which were committed by the
    precinct's electoral commission chair. Zarokian also reported voter
    intimidation,which included roving gangs of men who congregated in front of
    the polling station and seemed to be responsible for `delivering'
    [TSV2] [UK3]


    Despite a long day full of these challenges, most Diasporans involved
    in the monitoring mission felt inspired and energized by the
    experience. Such was the case for Diasporan repatriatesNairiHakhverdi
    and Paula Der Matoian, who were stationed together at precinct 7/14
    and managed to capture some of the chaos that took place inside the
    precinct on video[TSV4] .
    After the polls closed, Hakhverdi remarked, `I can honestly say that
    we made a difference at our polling station. Simply getting the
    chairman to comply with the electoral code was enough to keep
    fraudsters on their toes. We couldn't prevent suspicious voting
    completely, but we certainly got proxies and commission members

    DiasporanRoubenGalichian, who was deployed to precinct 7/18, shared a
    similar sentiment: `I enjoyed it and think that our presence, badges and
    the cameras did affect the voters' and the committee members' attitude and
    behavior. They all seemed to be more careful and on their toes.I will
    happily do it again.'
    A journalist documents a conflict at her polling station. Diasporan Matt
    Ghazarian and his partner Mariam Dilbandyan watch and document the voter
    registration process.Diasporan repatriate Arina Zohrabian discusses her
    notes with a reporter at her precinct. Diasporan repatriate Babken Der
    Grigorian documents two people approaching the voting booth together.Diasporan
    Garine Palanjian checks voters' passports to confirm their identity.

    Photo 1. Diasporan repatriate Babken Der Grigorian watches the vote
    counting process after the polls close.
    *Photographs courtesy of Eric Grigorian*
