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Small hydropower plants threaten rivers in Armenia - environmentali

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  • Small hydropower plants threaten rivers in Armenia - environmentali

    *Small hydropower plants threaten rivers in Armenia - environmentalists
    10:34 =95 14.05.13

    Photo from the Ecomonitoring Armenia website

    The Armenian environmentalists are concerned over the growing number of
    small hydropower plants across the country.

    They think that the plan for building 170 new plants in addition to the
    existing 139 is too much for the water resources of a small country like

    `We think that 139 is already too much. Yes, using the water resources is
    good, but if such a use causes drainage of entire rivers, that naturally
    gives rise to environmental and social problems, which we now eye-witness.
    And the more this goes on, the more [problems] we will see,' Levon
    Galstyan, a member of the Pan-Armenian Environmental Front, told

    The first environmental protest in this series was the one against the
    construction of hydropower plant near the Trchkan waterfall (which is
    between the Shirak and Lori regions). The freshest example was the protest
    in Marts village (Lori region), that saw the villagers throw huge
    hydropower plant pipes into a gorge.

    Speaking to, Marts governor Robert Galstyan said the plant's owner
    now wishes to talk to the village's population who are concerned over the
    future of their meadowlands (which provide food to the cattle) and yards.

    `The communities are against because if there is one hydropower plant on
    the river, they have already seen the consequences, so the attempts for
    building the second or third meet the community's resistance,' Galstyan
    said, adding that there are now six or seven hydropower plants on the river.

    The environmentalist noted that the state encourages the sector, offering
    loans at low interest rates. He said licenses for the use of water
    resources allow reducing the water level in rivers to an impermissible

    In a video material posted on the Ecolur environmental NGO's website, a
    coordinator of the UN regional convention, Aram Gabrielyan, enumerated
    small and big drained rivers, saying that they no longer exist.

    Below we present footage by Yeghia Nersisyan, an environmentalist, who
    shows the process of Chichkhan river's evaporation after supplying water
    a hydropower plant.

    Armenian News -

    From: Baghdasarian