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ISTANBUL: Former French PM: Mistake to involve parliaments in Armeni

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  • ISTANBUL: Former French PM: Mistake to involve parliaments in Armeni

    Today's Zaman, Turkey
    May 15 2013

    Former French PM: Mistake to involve parliaments in Armenian issue


    Former French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin said on Wednesday
    that it is a great mistake for democratic countries to involve their
    parliaments in the Armenian issue.

    Speaking at a private meeting in İstanbul, Villepin said that the
    Armenian claims of genocide during the forced migration by the Ottoman
    Empire in 1915 is "the work of historians" and "you cannot rewrite
    history through law."

    Referring to the important role that Turkish President Abdullah Gül
    has played in the rapprochement between Turkey and Armenia, Villepin
    said that delicate and difficult issues such as the Armenian problem
    require good will and imagination in the solution process and that
    that takes time. "The fewer countries involved, the better it is,"
    added the veteran French politician.

    'EU should have strategic relations with Turkey, Russia'

    Evaluating the current status of the European Union in broad terms,
    Villepin said that given the internal crises the EU faces, it "should
    have special strategic relations with countries outside of Europe"
    such as Turkey and Russia, which are growing, emerging markets.
    According to him, with a population of 450 million people, the EU does
    not constitute a "market on a global scale."

    Villepin divided Europe and its problems into three key issues. He
    said that Northern Europe believes in a strong Europe while Eastern
    Europe is currently concerned with the challenges of nationalism and
    populism in addition to the economic difficulties that all Europe is
    suffering. He defined the third problem as the UK and its planned
    referendum on its status in the EU, which will also force problems
    onto the rest of the continent.

    "The EU today is not united," commented Villepin and described
    Islamophobia as a growing problem on the continent. People are fearful
    about their futures in terms of their economic well being, which
    Villepin said makes the continent act in a more introverted fashion.
    "France is looking too much at its own problems," pointed out

    Calling Turkey "one of the leading emerging countries," Villepin said
    that the EU needs Turkey more than Turkey needs the EU. "This is a
    reality," noted Villepin, going on to say that the EU has "a strong
    interest in developing cooperation with Turkey."

    Noting that the Kurdish and Armenian issues and its stalled membership
    bid with the EU are the main challenges Turkey faces, the former
    French prime minister, who has also served as a minister of foreign
    affairs, said that Turkey's relations with the EU are dependent on
    "how much Turkey as a state wants to have harmonized relations with
    the EU."

    'There should be no preconditions set in negotiations with Syria'

    Responding to a question from Today's Zaman on the apparent
    indifference of the EU regarding the Syrian crisis, Villepin said that
    one of the reasons the international community is not willing [to take
    a more active stance] is because "nobody knows what is best for

    According to Villepin, the international community is not convinced it
    should intervene, given the negative consequences of the interventions
    in Iraq and Afghanistan. He added that he is not yet certain whether
    the intervention in Libya was a success or not.

    The support of countries such as Russia and China for Syrian President
    Bashar al-Assad's regime is another obstacle to the involvement of the
    international community, Villepin stated, adding that Russia's
    position should be given due consideration.

    "We should not put any preconditions on the negotiations" with the
    regime in Syria, said Villepin as he criticized the "red lines" that
    certain countries have mentioned. He added that he believes the
    removal of Assad from power should not have been stated as a
    precondition in the negotiations. According to Villepin, an
    opportunity for negotiations in Syria was missed in the very beginning
    and now what must be on the international agenda is stopping the war.

    'West should not try to teach Iran a lesson'

    "We signed the only agreement with Iran on [nuclear]
    non-proliferation," said Villepin, commenting on the Iranian nuclear
    issue from the perspective of a politician who participated in the
    French, German and UK negotiations with that country. Praising
    Turkey's position on the issue, Villepin said that the P5+1 nations
    made a mistake by not taking Turkey's proposal of a new deal for the
    solution of the Iranian nuclear issue into account.

    According to Villepin, it is possible to solve the problems stemming
    from the Iranian nuclear program if the interests of all parties are
    taken into account. "The West wants to teach Iran a lesson," stated
    Villepin, who added that he believes instead of trying to do this, the
    West should put something on the table that would be attractive enough
    for Iran to want to change its position.

    Villepin also noted that a sectarian war in the Middle East would be
    more dangerous than nuclear proliferation.

    From: Baghdasarian