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Heritage: Armenian authorities hit below the belt of the people when

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  • Heritage: Armenian authorities hit below the belt of the people when

    Heritage: Armenian authorities hit below the belt of the people when
    they sank the fact of gas tariff growth

    Wednesday, May 15, 15:44

    The Armenian authorities hit below the belt of the people when they
    sank the fact of the gas tariff growth, deputy chairman of the
    Heritage party board, Armen Martirosyan, told Arminfo correspondent.
    He thinks that raising of the gas tariff will result in social
    catastrophe, as the atmosphere in the country is rather tense after
    the last election with mass fraud. "Of course, it is not accidental
    that "ArmRusgasprom" applied to the Public Services Regulatory
    Commission just after the election. The authorities knew that raising
    of the gas tariff before the election would make obstacles on the way
    of their reproduction. That was an action thoroughly planned by the
    Armenian authorities", - Martirosyan said.

    He also added that it does not matter if gas tariff will grow by 64%
    or 50%, it will have extremely negative consequences and will become
    an impetus for migration of population.

    To recall, CJSC "ArmRusgasprom" and its subsidiary "Transgas" applied
    to the Public Services Regulatory Commission with an offer to revise
    gas tariff, and raise it from the present 132 drams for 1 sq/m of gas
    up to 221 drams.

    From: A. Papazian