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Turkish Prime Minister's Triumphant Visit to Washington

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  • Turkish Prime Minister's Triumphant Visit to Washington

    Turkish Prime Minister's Triumphant Visit to Washington

    ADL, Editorial, Turkey | May 14, 2013 5:01 pm

    By Edmond Y. Azadian

    It is well said by English historian and writer Lord Acton that power
    tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. There can be
    no better example to demonstrated the veracity of the above adage then
    citing the names of a political duo at the top of the power pyramid in
    Washington DC: President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry.

    On the eve of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's visit to
    Washington, they have already sacrificed the most dispensable issues
    in honor of the visiting dignitary: Armenians and the Armenian
    Genocide. Obama and Kerry seemed to be espousing the most humanistic
    and moral causes while serving in the senate. Mr. Kerry is extremely
    knowledgeable on the Armenian Genocide and at times he has made the
    most stirring remarks in favor of its official recognition. Yet during
    his recent shuttle diplomacy between Washington and Ankara, he praises
    Turkey's position as a positive one in resolving the Karabagh
    conflict. And he makes the statement with a straight face, showing
    little concern with this political about face. He has no comments on
    the continuing illegal blockade of Armenia.

    As to Mr. Obama, he has already repeated his `Medz Yeghern' charade on
    April 24 and continues to keep Guantanamo Bay gulag, which had given a
    black eye to the US human rights position during the Bush-Cheney era
    and continues the stigma on the Obama administration's rhetoric on
    democracy and human rights.

    Mr. Obama has given more to Turkey than the latter even expected,
    because on the political market, Armenian rights and issues have
    proven to be the most disposable ones.

    He had already reduced US aid to Armenia dramatically and now presents
    a legal gift to Mr. Erdogan on a silver platter. Indeed the Obama
    administration has urged the Supreme Court not to hear the appeal of
    the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals' 2012 striking down of a California
    law extending the statute of limitations on the Armenian Genocide-era
    life insurance claims. This is a third-world practice of exerting
    political pressure on the judiciary to abort justice. Had this been
    undertaken by a private citizen, it would be labeled as obstruction of
    justice. Rather than leaving the Supreme Court to determine the merits
    of the case, the administration has already intervened to block the
    adjudication of the case.

    It is reported that Prime Minister Erdogan will receive the highest
    state welcome during his visit to the US on May 16-17. He will receive
    two full military honors, one at the airport and the other at the
    White House, as the formal guest of US President Barack Obama.

    The agenda of their discussion will comprise a full plate, Syria being
    the most dominant issue. The other items on that agenda will certainly
    include Ankara's initiative to open a dialog with the Kurdish
    minority, relations between Israel and Turkey, which have always
    constituted the centerpiece of US Middle East policy under any
    administration, because, Israel, using the US muscle can continue its
    hegemony in the entire region, with the tacit collusion of medieval
    potentates (`moderate Arab nations' in Washington's lexicon.)

    Iran and Iraq have been viewed by divergent views at their respective
    capitals. Despite US sanctions against Iran, Turkey is continuing its
    policy of business as usual, and in the case of Iraq, Turkey was
    scared of that country's position of Kurdistan emerging as an
    independent state. But ironically at this time, Ankara has embraced
    Iraqi Kurdistan, at the expense of destabilizing Iraqi Premier
    Maliki's central government, because Erdogan's administration believes
    they have contained Kurdish aspirations in their own country,
    eliminating any spillover of Kurdish irredentism from Iraqi Kurdistan.

    As the political agenda is reviewed, we certainly doubt that Mr. Obama
    will ask Mr. Erdogan whether he has given any thought to his
    suggestions at the Turkish Parliament during his first term; meaning
    modern Turkey would make peace with its ugly Ottoman history.

    Mr. Erdogan is being accorded all these accolades because he is coming
    with bloody hands as the front man in destabilizing a sovereign
    country - Syria - which has refused thus far to bow down on
    Palestinian rights and continues to make claims on its confiscated
    territories by Turkey in 1939, the Sanjak of Alexandretta and Golan
    Heights in 1967 by Israel.

    The recent bombs that killed 46 people and injured more than 100 in
    Reyhanli, which is located in the Hatay region mostly populated by
    Arabs and Alevis, may have been a warning by the restless Arab
    populace, agitating against Erdogan's shipment of mercenaries and
    armaments in Syria. But for Mr. Davutoglu and for the West, it is most
    convenient to point the finger at the Assad regime in Syria. That
    accusation, compounded by the orchestration of `the use of chemical
    weapons' constitutes a concoction for casus belli.

    By serving as a proxy for the West in the Middle East, Turkey has
    acquired the status of a regional power, and an independent one at
    that. That status renders Armenia's maneuvering room very limited.
    That is why during Erdogan's visit to Washington no one will give him
    a slap on the wrist to lift the blockade of Armenia.

    The Turks have also planned their version of a Genocide centennial in
    2015, as quoted in an article by Robert Fisk in London's Independent
    (May 12, 2013). The announcement by Turkey's foreign Minister
    Davutoglu is most revealing: `We are going to make the year of 1915
    known to the world over, not as the anniversary of a genocide, as some
    people claimed and slandered [sic] but we shall make it known as a
    glorious resistance of a nation in our defense of Gallipoli.'

    There is no conciliation or repentance in Davutoglu's tone. Turkey
    intends to drown calls for Armenian Genocide recognition in the
    drumbeat of a dubious victory in Gallipoli that was one of history's
    mysteries as to how a crumbling Ottoman army defeated French and
    British forces under Winston Churchill's command, while troops from
    Australia and New Zealand were slaughtered by Mustafa Kemal. The jury
    is out on the issue because suspicion lingers that Britain betrayed
    its own army to deny access to its World War I ally, Russia, access to
    the warm waters of the Mediterranean and the strategic Strait of

    Armenians could counter Mr. Erdogan's triumphant march on the red
    carpet in Washington by a massive rally (not just 50-100 youth, which
    can prove to be counterproductive), with slogans such as `Recognize
    the Genocide,' `Lift the Blockade' and `Bloody hands off Syria.' But
    we have opted for the more comfortable position of armchair diplomats,
    additionally sacrificing the completion of the Genocide Museum in

    Mr. Erdogan will think `If this is the political clout of one million
    plus American Armenians, then I can walk triumphantly - not only on
    the red carpet but also over the bones of 1.5 million Armenian

    From: A. Papazian