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Crowd protesting gas bill hike plan address letter to president

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  • Crowd protesting gas bill hike plan address letter to president

    Crowd protesting gas bill hike plan address letter to president

    16:02 - 16.05.13

    The crowd, which rallied outside the Government earlier on Thursday to
    protest against proposed plan for increasing the natural gas tariffs,
    headed to the Presidential Office in the afternoon to submit a letter
    to Serzh Sargsyan.

    Before reaching there, they marched in procession to the Public
    Services Regulatory Commission which had been earlier asked to
    consider a plan for raising the tariffs.

    In their latter, the protesters call upon the Commission to leave the
    fees unchanged, otherwise threatening to declare a civil disobedience
    and urge the population not to pay for the consumed natural gas and

    It comes after Armenia's major natural gas supplier, Armrusgasprom
    (owner: Gazprom, Russia) asked the Commission to consider a plan for
    raising the gas tariffs.

    The authors of the letter claim that a decision to accept the plan may
    cause major social problems, spurring large protests. They say higher
    fees for natural gas will inevitably cause price surge in other
    sectors, thus raising the poverty rate.

    `We believe that a hike in the natural gas prices will be the last
    drop to push the society to a zone of aggressive turbulence. The
    method to of boosting migration to relax social tension no longer
    works. Those who wanted to go are already gone; those who have stayed
    link their future to their fatherland, Armenia, and have nowhere. They
    will struggle against the violation of their social rights,' reads the

    Armenian News -
