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Without Money the PAP Is Just the Castles on the Road to Abovyan -Ma

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  • Without Money the PAP Is Just the Castles on the Road to Abovyan -Ma

    `Without Money the Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) Is Just the Castles
    on the Road to Abovyan,' Makeyan Says to Naira Zohrabyan

    May 15 2013

    Naira Zohrabyan, the PAP parliamentary group secretary, commented on
    Gagik Tsarukyan's statement during a conversation with and
    explained why they didn't want to be opposition. `Yes, we will not be
    the opposition that has its `opposition' activities verified by the
    government, yes, we will not be the opposition whose `opposition'
    speeches are written in the notorious buildings. We are not going to
    be such opposition as Davit Shahnazaryan, Aram Sargsyan, Makeyan,
    Gimishyan and the likes of them. Yes, we will not be the opposition
    that can hold 10-people rallies at the most and make elevated speeches
    inadequate to them.' With regard to this criticism of him, Petros
    Makeyan, the leader of the Democratic Motherland Party, said during a
    conversation with `What comment shall I make on the
    statements of a representative that has no political values, because
    without money, that organization is just, say, castles on the road to
    Abovyan, Kotayk. In reality, they are neither opposition nor an
    alternative nor pro-government. Rather, they are the government's
    servants. It has been a servant up to now. That party was established
    by Robert Kocharyan, and it continues to serve Kocharyan, the
    government, and external forces. Lukashenka's presence at the opening
    of the church yesterday is proof of that. I said many times 2 years
    ago that this organization could not be independent, could not make
    independent decisions, and our main contradiction with the Congress
    was that. I have been opposition for 15-16 years. Now Naira Zohrabyan
    tries to twist my predictions and statements and besmirch people, so
    that they can carry out a bourgeois democratic revolution in the short
    run. That's the whole story.' Petros Makeyan stated that the people
    assessed a political force and a politician, but the people should be
    offered an opportunity to choose. `Unfortunately, our people are not
    offered an opportunity to choose. Money and administrative levers are
    in effect. If the government didn't favor them, if there was no
    permission from the government, they would get 0 percent. If they
    don't serve the government, why did they give out money? All the
    people know the reality. The Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) would
    give out 10 thousand drams, whereas they would add 5 or 10 thousand.
    Was it not the same thing during the city council election? Members of
    the RPA started with 10 thousand, the PAP raised. Nothing happens in
    this country without the government's goodwill, let alone giving out
    money, election bribes. It is a crime. The government takes the
    liberty of committing that crime and saying that it has done nothing.
    Therefore, this organization serves the government's interests.'
    Hripsime JEBEJYAN

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