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The Reason For The Emigration From Sos Clarified By The Rural Commun

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  • The Reason For The Emigration From Sos Clarified By The Rural Commun

    Friday, 10 May 2013 22:06

    Sos is one of the largest villages of Martouni region yet the youths
    have begun to leave the village in the recent years. There were
    even cases when whole families left the village. Sos inhabitants
    speak regretfully of the emigration as mainly young people leave
    the village. What is the reason and why do young people prefer to
    live outside? We tried to get answers to these and a number of other
    questions from rural community head of Sos Hunan Grigoryan.

    - Mr. Grigoryan, what makes the villagers leave Sos?

    - People want to live well. I do not mean that it is impossible to live
    here, they just try to be well provided for. Part of the inhabitants
    emigrate, another part go to work outside for 3-4 months.

    Part of them go to the province of Rostov where Sos villagers have
    been living since the years of the Soviet Union, after the Artsakh
    war their number increased. Today there is a village with about 90
    families there, the greater part of them are from Sos. We call it
    Sos in Rostov. Those who go there do not return any more, they get
    jobs, marry, register and settle there permanently. Another part of
    our villagers leave for Moscow to work, there a co-villager of ours
    pays a high salary at an amount of USD 1500 per month to those from
    Sos. Some people have to pay credits, some are to repair their houses,
    this is a good chance for our villagers to earn money.

    - The inhabitants of which age group mainly leave?

    - Young people do. Being unable to find any job 1 or 2 years after
    demobilization they have to leave.

    - Mr. Grigoryan what can you say about the emigration of whole
    families. Is this still going on?

    - Yes, there were such cases as well. But now no family leaves the
    village any more. Besides there are cases when they return again. For
    example, two families have come back this year.

    - How many people left the village during the past 3 years?

    - Nearly 15 young people and 4 families left the village. I hope some
    day they will all return to Sos.

    Interviewer Hakob Avanesyan
