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Greek and Armenian Americans urge for conditions on Turkey trade dea

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  • Greek and Armenian Americans urge for conditions on Turkey trade dea

    Greek and Armenian Americans urge for conditions on Turkey trade deal

    May 17, 2013 - 20:58 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - As Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan continues
    his visit to Washington, DC, the leaders of the Greek American and
    Armenian American communities have joined together in formally calling
    upon the White House to set strict legal conditions on any new trade
    agreements involving Turkey, reported the Armenian National Committee
    of America (ANCA).

    The Turkish government has, in the months leading up to this week's
    Obama-Erdogan summit, aggressively pushed for Turkey's inclusion in a
    far-ranging Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership between the
    U.S. and the European Union, as well as for its own bilateral free
    trade agreement with the United States. The American Hellenic
    Institute (AHI), the Hellenic American Leadership Council (HALC), and
    the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA), in May 10th
    testimony submitted to the U.S. Trade Representatives, argued
    forcefully for any such agreements to "require, as a statutory
    precondition, that the Turkish government fully withdraw its unlawful
    and brutal military occupation of Cyprus, where human rights and
    religious freedom are routinely violated, unconditionally lift its
    illegal economic blockade of Armenia, and immediately end all
    obstacles to trade, investment, and other forms of commerce it
    currently imposes on Cyprus and Armenia."

    While welcoming, as a general principle, the U.S. Trade
    Representative's commitment to the growth of international trading
    relations based upon the rule of law, the three organizations stressed
    that, "in the case of Turkey, we would not advance our national
    interests, further our economic prosperity, or promote our core values
    by rewarding a nation that so egregiously and flagrantly undermines
    the integrity of the global trading system by occupying a European
    Union member state and refusing to end its two decade blockade of
    landlocked Armenia."

    From: A. Papazian