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BAKU: Slovene NA's committee Chair: NK conflict can erupt anytime

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  • BAKU: Slovene NA's committee Chair: NK conflict can erupt anytime

    APA, Azerbaijan
    May 18 2013

    Chairperson of Slovenian National Assembly's committee: Nagorno
    Karabakh conflict can anytime turn into a crisis on dangerous scale
    [ 18 May 2013 13:52 ]

    Following the meeting with the Azerbaijani delegation, Committee
    chairperson Janja Klasinc has made a statement

    Baku - APA. Following the meeting with the Azerbaijani delegation,
    chairperson of the Foreign Relations Committee of the National
    Assembly of Slovenia Janja Klasinc has made a statement, APA reports.
    Janja Klasinc said that members of the Foreign Relations Committee
    discussed the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, stressed the importance of
    speedy and efficient peaceful settlement of the conflict,
    unconditional withdrawal of the foreign military units from the
    occupied territories and the real restoration of full sovereignty of
    Azerbaijan within its internationally recognized borders as stated in
    the resolution passed at the 86th plenary session of the UN General
    Assembly on May 14, 2008, and reiterated in the resolutions and
    documents of the UN, EU, Council of Europe and other international

    `Members of the delegation of the Azerbaijani Parliament led by Elkhan
    Suleymanov informed Slovenian parliamentarians about the situation in
    Nagorno Karabakh, the killing of 20 000 persons as a result of the war
    between Armenia and Azerbaijan in 1992-1994 and displacement of
    hundreds of thousands of people from Nagorno Karabakh and seven
    adjacent regions occupied by Armenia.

    20-year diplomatic and mediation activities have not produced results
    up to now. The Nagorno Karabakh problem remains open and moreover, the
    frozen conflict can anytime turn into a crisis on dangerous scale.

    It is clear that the status quo doesn't contribute to the solution of
    the problem, can even worsen the situation and create obstacles for
    stability of the strategically important region and hinder the
    development of both EU partners involved in the conflict."
