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Mysterious Muslim Charter School Hires Broward Dem Chair As Lobbyist

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  • Mysterious Muslim Charter School Hires Broward Dem Chair As Lobbyist

    Mysterious Muslim Charter School Hires Broward Democrat Chairman As Lobbyist
    Published on May 13, 2013 by Red Broward

    A proposed Broward charter school with ties to Fethullah Gulen, the
    mysterious Islamic cleric, hired Broward Democrat Chairman Mitchell
    Ceasar as its lobbyist before the Broward County School Board. Known
    as `Gulen Schools', followers of Gulen have built thousands of charter
    schools all over the world. Last May, CBS News 60 Minutes television
    program documented the growing Gulen school movement in the United
    States. 60 Minutes said Gulen, living in seclusion in the Poconos
    mountains, appears only via video webcasts. Gulen, a Turkish citizen,
    was accused of treason by calling for an Islamic coup of the Turkish
    government. The report mentioned classified emails released by
    Wikileaks which disclosed some in the Turkish government see Gulen as
    a `political leader such as Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini.'

    The 60 Minutes report covered accusations that Gulen schools abuse
    U.S. immigration laws by bringing in thousands of Turkish citizens to
    teach math and science at the charter schools. An official with a
    Texas charter school group called the claim `not sure' saying Turkish
    citizens are brought over because of a lack of `qualified' American
    teachers. But 60 Minutes found that visa applications for Gulen
    teachers listed them as `English teachers.' Oops! Some American
    teachers claim Gulen teachers are forced to give a portion of their
    salaries back to the Gulen movement.

    Paging the Broward Teachers Union!

    Dating back to 2007, Gulen followers, under the name of Riverside
    Science Inc., have been trying to open a charter school in Broward
    County. Their first try, Riverside Science Academy, failed after
    school officials were unable to secure a lease. Just before the start
    of the 2012-13 school year, the group's second try, `Broward Math And
    Science School', was denied the right to open a Margate campus. CBS 4
    News reported, `The district said each school failed to submit
    documentation of certain provisions they had to meet before the July
    20th deadline. The schools in question were given several reminders of
    the deadline and notified that `Failure to provide the required
    documents within the specific timeframe terminated the charter

    So like any other business seeking government influence, Riverside
    Science Inc. decided they needed a lobbyist. According to Broward
    Schools lobbyist records, the group hired Mitchell Ceasar in December

    Caesar, a Plantation attorney, is also the chairman of the Broward
    Democrat Executive Committee.

    Sure, local Republicans and Tea Party groups will be quick to blast
    Caesar for helping the controversial Gulen followers. However, even
    liberals may find fault with the Gulen schools.

    The New York Times reported on State of Georgia audits which found
    Gulen charter schools funneled money and contracts to other Gulen
    followers. `The audit, released Tuesday by the Fulton County Schools
    near Atlanta, found the schools made purchases like T-shirts, teacher
    training and video production services from organizations with
    connections to school officials or Gulen followers. Those included
    more than $500,000 in contracts since January 2010 with the Grace
    Institute, a foundation whose board has included school leaders. In
    some cases the awards skirted bidding requirements, the audit said.'

    Why is Mitch Caesar so eager to help followers of a shadowy Muslim
    cleric funnel taxpayer dollars to Turkey and who knows where? Broward
    school dollars should be spent in Broward, not in the Poconos
    mountains or Turkey.
