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Council on Foreign Relations and Armenia (Agendas)

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  • Council on Foreign Relations and Armenia (Agendas)


    - May 15, 2013

    There are many that believe there is a higher organized power
    formulating the policies, direction and destiny of America,
    independent of either the Democratic or Republican parties for
    governing America. It is an organization consisting of approximately
    3,000 members called `The Council on Foreign Relations.' It receives
    a minimal amount of publicity, which is the cause for the lack of
    awareness by the average American. It was formed in July 29, 1921 by
    a group of `intellectuals' who felt that there was a need for a world
    government, devoid of nations.

    Up until America's entry into World War I (April of 1917), the
    American people had followed the wise advice of President George
    Washington given in his farewell address delivered to the nation in
    September 1796. President Washington said: `It is our true policy to
    stay clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign
    world.... why, should we inter-weave our destiny with that of any part
    of Europe, entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European
    ambition, rivalry, interest, humour or caprice?' Washington
    understood that interference into other nations' internal affairs
    would also create enemies and hatred of America.

    In direct repudiation of Washington's warning, Secretary of State
    William Jennings Bryan and others, during Woodrow Wilson's
    administration (April of 1917), manipulated America's involvement into
    World War I as a prelude to conditioning the American public for
    foreign interventions. World War I became an excellent opportunity for
    the newly formed Council on Foreign Relations to begin promoting
    `WORLD GOVERNMENT' as being a desirable solution to the `problems' of
    the world. In 1920 the British cousin of the CFR, The Royal Institute
    for International Affairs (RIIA) was created in England.

    Another reason the Council on Foreign Relations is not very well known
    to the American people is because of Article II of the by-laws. This
    article requires that the meetings of the membership remain secret,
    and anyone releasing the contents of these meetings is subject to
    instant dismissal. The CFR's official publication is called `Foreign
    Affairs.' It is not printed for national consumption, but rather
    within their semi-secret membership as well as academic circles and
    think tanks.

    Secretly Operated

    The Council repeatedly denies that it sets policy for the United
    States. Yet, while discussing America's changing foreign policy, CFR
    Chairman Peter G. Peterson stated in the organization's 1989 Annual
    Report: `The Board of Directors and the staff of the Council have
    decided that this institution should play a leadership role in
    defining these new foreign policy agendas.'

    The question is simple: How can an organization define an agenda for
    the nation without taking a stand or advocating a policy? The answer
    is, that it can't. Any claim from the CFR, that it is merely a
    debating forum open to all ideas is absurd. Richard Harwood, a
    Washington Post columnist, wrote in an article that the CFR
    journalists he listed `do not merely analyze and interpret foreign
    policy; they help make it.'

    No CFR member is ever directly instructed to hold any particular view.
    Instead, government officials and media personalities supply important
    respectability for favored positions, and render varying degrees of
    disdain or contempt for the opposite view. Ambitious politicians,
    journalists, corporate executives, professors, and others, dutifully
    follow the lead set for them - frequently without ever knowing whose
    attitude they are parroting. In this way, an agenda is indeed set and
    policies are established.

    Radio Free Europe (RFE)

    Radio Free Europe was broadcasting freedom into Armenia in December
    2001 by a certain Max Liberty promoting bisexualism, porn stars, and
    religious cults, as well as advising young Armenian youth to practice
    free sex (Azg, December 10, 2001). This is only one of many ways to
    destabilize a culture that does not deserve to be destabilized. The
    United States Government finances Radio Free Europe, but individuals
    operate R.F.E. with their personal agendas. Did not the Armenian
    Government notice this contamination of Armenia's culture? What was
    the Armenian Government doing to protect its national character? Why
    didn't the Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanian file an official complaint
    to America's State Department? All he said on July 2, 2007 was, 'I
    hope that a solution will be found as a result of which Radio Liberty
    will continue its broadcasts in Armenia.'

    Council of Europe (CE)

    After the Armenian Government anxiously became a member, the Council
    of Europe's Secretary-General Walter Schwimmer classified Armenia as a
    `nation at war' and threatened them to conclude an agreement with
    Azerbaijan regarding Nagorno Karabagh (Arminfo - Yerevan - June 2002).
    Now, how can Armenia be at war since there had been no hostilities for
    seven years? Didn't the leadership of Hayastan realize that once
    becoming a member of a globalist entity they would lose control of
    their governance? Walter Schwimmer also said, `We live in a century of
    globalization and the closure of borders is a natural disaster for
    everybody (Arminfo - Yerevan - July 2, 2002).'

    The question becomes: Why is the head of the Council of Europe so
    concerned about Armenia's borders? Regarding borders, history has
    shown that others have always determined Armenia's borders. If Mr.
    Schwimmer were concerned about Hayastan's future, he would not have
    been identifying it as a `pupil' and, `is moving in the right
    direction.' Since Mr. Schwimmer had been chairman of the
    Inter-Parliamentary Union Friendship Group Austria-Israel of the
    Austrian Parliament from 1976 to 1999, could he not convince the
    Israeli Government to cease training the Azerbaijanarmed forces?
    `Israel in high level bid for Azerbaijan projects' (Jane's Defence
    Weekly 12-22-99). Is Mr. Schwimmer going to govern Hayastan, or are
    the Armenian people going to govern themselves? Armenia can and
    should relate to Europe, but not be dictated to by the Council of

    In the Mediamax news release dated October 21, 2003, Vardan Oskanian
    was quoted as saying: `First of all, it is necessary for society to
    realize the fact that Armenia is part of Europe, and integration has
    no alternatives.' Of course, that is only Oskanian's personal opinion.

    Vardan Oskanian is a product of Tufts University Fletcher School of
    International Affairs, located in Medford, Massachusetts U.S.A.
    Fletcher is a school of ONE WORLD BRAINWASHING. Its Web site states:
    `TheFletcher School is an institution whose holistic approach prepares
    its students to be global leaders.'

    During the time Oskanian was foreign minister he was sending twelve
    Armenian students each year, to Tufts University. The purpose was to
    establish in Armenia continuity of the one world mentality. Result;
    Not one iota of patriotism to be propagated. In reality, Oskanian does
    not understand patriotism

    Mr. Oskanian portrays America and the west as the greatest example
    that Armenia could emulate. He is correct. That was 100 years ago,
    when America was a pristine nation, loved and respected throughout the
    world. What he does not know, and does not want to know, is that
    today's America has been transformed into a cultural cesspool. Its
    news media has been captured and controlled by a common mind molding
    entity. Military bases exist in 150 countries. Constantly creating
    foreign wars of destruction and domination, while financially
    bankrupting the nation.

    While Armenia's government leaders were manipulating a country which
    was classed 88 of 158 of the world's most corrupt nations (Iceland 9.7
    best;Armenia 2.9; Chad 1.7 worst), Armenia's leaders became
    multi-millionaires while imprisoning patriots who had fought in
    Kharabagh. Over one million citizens have left the country since 1990.
    All this, while Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanian was in his glory
    spewing his destructive dreams of `ONE WORLDISM' for Armenia.

    The primary reason Armenia's strength has been diluted thorough-out
    history, is because of Vardan Oskanians throughout the centuries.
    Vardan Oskanian should return to his (advanced nation, America) and
    take his Civilitas Foundation along with him, so that Armenia will be
    a little less contaminated.

    Ardavast Avakian
    October 2, 2008

    From: A. Papazian