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Azerbaijan continues arms race - Armenian FM

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  • Azerbaijan continues arms race - Armenian FM

    Azerbaijan continues arms race - Armenian FM

    13:52 - 22.05.13

    FM Edward Nalbandian, who is in the United Kingdom on an official
    visit, talked of the continuing conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh in a
    Tuesday speech at the University of Oxford.

    Armenia's top diplomat has comprehensively introduced the topic,
    emphasizing particularly Azerbaijan's unwillingness to accept the
    basic principles of settlement. He said the Azerbaijani authorities
    continue the arms race on the level of the country's top leadership.

    According to a press release by the Foreign Ministry, Nalbandian first
    briefed the participants on the Armenia-UK relations and the goals of
    his visit to the country. He also addressed priorities of Armenia's
    presidency of the Council of Europe, the integration processes on the
    post-Soviet territory, Armenia's cooperation with Europe and other
    issues on the international and regional agendas.

    Speaking of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the minister particularly
    said, `In September 1991, Nagorno-Karabakh adopted a declaration of
    independence, which was approved at a December universal referendum.
    It was fully in line with the then USSR's effective legislation. It is
    worth, in this connection, mentioning the European Parliament's
    resolution which said Nagorno-Karabakh declared independence under a
    declaration similar to those [adopted] by the other [Soviet]
    republics, including Azerbaijan. In response, Baku perpetrated a
    massacre and ethnic cleansing against the Armenians, unleashing an
    extensive war against Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia with the help of
    hired servicemen linked to international terrorist organizations.

    `In 1993, before the signing of ceasefire, the UN Security Council
    adopted four resolutions (822, 853, 874, 884), where a key demand was
    to suspend the military operations and establish a long-lasting
    armistice. Azerbaijan refused - after the adoption of each resolution
    - to meet the basic requirement, and persistently continued the
    military operations.

    `In 1994, a Russian-mediated ceasefire accord was reached between
    Nagorno-Karabakh and Azerbaijan, with Armenia also joining the deal.
    In February 1995, the new armistice strengthening agreement was signed
    between Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh, and Armenia again acceded [to
    the process]. But Azerbaijan has not so far shown any respect for the

    `Since 1997, the negotiation process has been going on in the
    frameworks of a mediation mission composed of the OSCE Minsk Group's
    three co-chairing countries: Russia, US and France.

    `The co-chairing states, which are vested with a mediation mandate in
    the Karabakh conflict settlement, make considerable efforts in two
    main directions: elaboration of fundamental conflict settlement
    principles and initiation of confidence strengthening measures.

    `In the frameworks of the OSCE ministerial conference held in November
    2007, the mediators proposed to the parties the basic principles for
    settling the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict (better known as the Madrid

    `Azerbaijan rejected the document for around a year, seeking a
    solution in other instances. Particularly, in 2008, Azerbaijan
    submitted to the UN General Assembly a resolution which reflected the
    Azerbaijani distorted position on the problem. The resolution was
    passed, with only 39 of the 192 UN member states voting in favor
    (basically the Islamic Conference member countries). The three
    co-chairing countries - the US, Russia and France - voted against,
    while none of the EU member states, including the United Kingdom,
    supported the resolution.

    `The co-chairing countries' leaders adopted resolutions in L'Aquila
    (2009) and Muskoka (2010), unveiling the basic principles and elements
    proposing their solutions to the problem. In the statements adopted in
    Deauville (2011) and Los Cabos (2012), the heads of the co-chairing
    states reiterated their previous remarks, highlighting the importance
    of an exclusively peaceful settlement of the conflict.

    "Statements on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement were adopted
    at the OSCE ministerial conference in Helsinki (2008), Athens (2010),
    Almaty (2011), Vilnius (2012) and Dublin, and at the OSCE summit in
    Astana (2010).

    `Armenia has hailed all the above-mentioned statements, expressing
    willingness to reach a settlement based upon the proposals reflected
    in the statements

    `Unlike Armenia, Azerbaijan has not so far accepted the basic
    principles and elements as a whole integrity. Instead of accepting the
    proposals, Baku is making primitive attempts to refer only to the
    status quo unacceptability wording. If Azerbaijan is really against
    maintaining the status quo, it should have long ago adopted statements
    by the three co-chairs.

    `The president of the Russian Federation has organized 11 meetings
    with the Armenian and Azerbaijani presidents since 2008 in order to
    coordinate the settlement principles. Updated options of the basic
    principles were introduced and discussed at the meetings.

    `At the latest summit in Kazan (June 2011), as well as the meetings in
    Sochi (March 2011), Astrakhan (October 2011), St. Petersburg (June
    2010) etc, Baku rejected all the settlement principle proposed by the
    Minsk Group co-chairs.

    `The Azerbaijani side pretends to have adopted the option tabled in
    2009, by naming it an updated version. It may look as though the other
    options are outdated. But it is necessary to note that Azerbaijan has
    certain reservations and changes with regard to even the 2009 option.

    `Baku has rejected not only the proposals on settlement principles but
    also the confidence strengthening measures - particularly,
    strengthening of ceasefire, withdrawal of snipers from the Line of
    Contact and elaboration of mechanisms for probes into the ceasefire
    violations - proposed by the international community and enjoying its
    full support.

    `Azerbaijan not only refuses to accept the confidence strengthening
    measures, but also provokes tensions on the Line of Contact with
    Karabakh and the Armenian border, exacerbating the situation and
    leading to new human losses.

    `Despite the co-chairs' continuing calls to prepare their countries'
    population for peace instead of war, the Azerbaijani authorities
    continue - on the highest level - the arms race, the war threats, the
    belligerent statements and the xenophobia rhetoric breeding hatred.
    The most cynical provocation that we saw in August was the release of
    Ramil Safarov, the man killer, after the extradition from Hungary, and
    his glorification as a hero.

    `It was quite recently that the Azerbaijani state subjected writer
    Akram Aylisli to torture just because he had addressed the Azerbaijani
    pogroms against the Armenians in his novel. Aylisli's books were
    burned in public. A state award was promised to anyone who would agree
    to cut his ear. The writer was forced to seek asylum beyond the
    borders of Azerbaijan.

    `Despite Azerbaijan's provocative and non-constructive policies,
    Armenia will continue - together with the world community - its
    efforts towards reaching an exclusively peaceful settlement of the
    Karabakh conflict.
